Forensic Science Question?

A Smith and Wesson .32 revolver and a Colt .357 Magnum revolver are both found at a crime scene. What can be determined about the Colt?

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? Best Answer

  • It can be very misleading to make any assumptions. I have worked with women officers who can handle a .357 better than some men.
    As a forensic investigator you stick to the facts. The gun is photographed in place. You use clean unused gloves to handle it. First you safe the weapon, make sure it is unloaded. This is your most important step. You diagram each cylinder 1 thru 6 and record if it held a fired casing, loaded rounds and their position. After recording its details, make, caliber, barrel length, color and serial number in your evidence chain you carefully package it to go to the lab. Same with the bullets and casings.
    It is up to the criminal investigator to do the investigation. Your job is facts and physical evidence. A good forensic investigator is very detailed oriented.
  • That it probably belonged to a man. The Colt .357 is quite heavy for a handgun, ranging from 2.4 lbs (1.1 kg) to 2.6 lbs (1.2 kg).

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