Forgot the name of an old dance song think its from the 90s?

Ok so to put this image in your head im 18 years old now and i must of been around 8-12 years old when i heard this song. It has no singing in it and has the feel of a song similar to robert miles children a mystical dreamy type music. The sound is a piano from what i can remember and it just pings all the way through it. Try to do this part the best i can with a (ping sound ;p )

DuDuDuDuDuDu Duu Duu Du Du Du Du Du Du Duu Duu

Its really getting at me because i know its really unique never see it used it movies it has probably been remixed a few times also Please Help. I heard a ping of a mobile phone today and it just got me all nostalgic remembering my childhood days ;D

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  • Answerer 1

    marky mark good vibrations

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