Geography Question Help!!!?

I need some ideas for what to write about, thanks. Also the regions available are: North Africa and SW Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and Central Asia.

This is the prompt:

Choose one of the following four topics and prepare a concise and informative essay on ONE

REGION that you will write in class on the day of the examination without reference to notes. A

strong response will make reference to place names, including at least three countries.

Here is the question I chose:

1. Environmental Focus. Write an essay in which you explain a region’s environmental

characteristics, a) how humans have adapted to these, b) how humans have purposefully or

accidentally changed the environment, and c) the social consequences of these changes

Content may include but is not limited to – deforestation, desertification, diversion of rivers, dam

building, salinization and its intended and unintended consequences which leads/has led to

lifestyles changes in a particular region

1 Answer

? Favorite Answer

  • You can talk about rivers in East Asia.

    China is privileged with 3 major rivers that all run from west to east. That isn’t enough – over its history the Chinese also dug numerous canals to connect these rivers north to south so they can have transport for at least 3 of the 4 compass directions. This has been a key to China’s unity over its history. And then you can pump in the details, and other rivers in the region, yadayada…

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