Gnostics, what is the significance behind Jesus’ miracles?

IAre the miracles of Jesus supposed to be interpreted differently?..I’m sure there is more meaning behind the idea rather than actual actions?

For example Jesus walking on water…

or correct me if I’m wrong.

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? Best Answer

  • Most gnostic text pay no attention to the “miracles” that were attributed to Jesus. Many gnostics feel that this along with the virgin birth and divinity of Jesus were latter additions to faith by Rome. Many gnostics feel that Rome added these aspects to further bolster their interpretation of Christianity. To gnostics it is the teachings of Jesus that are important. The rest is commentary most of which was added by Rome.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • I would like to say I am irreligious, not Gnostic, and because I like very much Jesus, and I have read his teachings both from the canonical ones and the Gospel of Thomas and Marys, i would like to write my opinion.
    I believe Jesus was an Immortalist, I mean by that that he was a human like all of us, (but I’m not absolute about that) and he wanted to teach people what he learned, and what he learn and discover was that humans are divine beings and capable of doing great things. Everything he was doing is “mind over matter”, meaning psychokinesis, with his mind could control everything, i know it sounds like a sci-fi movie, but that’s my interpretation of his sayings.
    So for me, he did these miracles, he was able to heal and heal himself, and he was teaching how to be like him and reach a level like that.
    I don’t believe that he was demonstrating his abilities for a future return, or for people to make him a king or something like that.
    He was demonstrating his abilities so people could see it and be like him, now, in this life, not any other life, be perfect on this life, be good be immortal.
    That’s why he resurrect people, so people could get his message, that physical immortality is possible. I mean, whats the point to come over here and show off and resurrect people if these people will die again. I mean, it doesn’t sounds good, to do things in such vain.
    So he believed we all have that divinity, we all can be forgiven for our sins, and we all have a chance to be perfect in the life we live right now.
    So, that’s is my interpretation of everything is written for that person, even if its sounds impossible or crazy, i don’t really care.

  • Jesus used a cosmic code associating color with sound and feel to perform his varous feets of Wonder

    It’s not so difficult to believe when you realize the universe is nothing more than a painting

    For ie. Jesus used the Violet letter G, note to resurrect his body

    He gave the Orange letter F sharp note to his disciples on pentecost day

    He used the Green letter D to heal the blind man with lepracy

    The Blue Note, letter A is the Fire which Moses saw as the Burning Bush

  • God’s Awesome Power and Sovereignty. Period. <‘)))><

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