I am Canadian and I want to do grade and in England, but its year and which is Sixth Form. I will be pretty much moving there. And then I want to do university and medical school in England also. But colleges and universities you need high school graduation if youre an international student or GCSE marks. Which I wont have both. I wouldnt be there to graduate high school. Can I go back to my old school after I finish sixth form and graduate there so I can apply to a University? Would they let me come back, cause I have already done grade ,, and im about to do grade there. If I couldnt, how would I get into university in England without high school graduation or GCSE?!?!?!?! HELP!?!?!?!

? Favorite Answer

  • ‘I will pretty much be moving’? You either are or you aren’t. Which is it? If your family are moving, you can of course attend a UK school for th form. If they’re not – as you’re under , you can only attend by going to a private school (which will be VERY expensive).

    Universities accept international qualifications equivalent to A-levels / GCSEs. To get into a medical degree course, you’ll need the highest academic grades for both. It’s very competitive and even excellent students don’t all get accepted.

    As a foreign student (you don’t count as a UK student unless you’ve been legally resident for years before you start university) this will again be VERY expensive.

    If you’re not a British citizen, you’ll need a student visa to go to university; getting this requires you to prove you can afford the tuition fees and living costs for your course.

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