Guitar effects question?

Is their some sort of guitar effect or pedal that when you play in standard tuning, will make the guitar sound like it’s tuned lower?
I ask this because i see youtube videos of people playing slipknot songs and they say that they did not really tune their guitar low, they just record it in standard and they change the pitch of the audio.

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? Best Answer

  • The people who do that don’t use pedals. They use DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) like Garage Band to change the pitch of their guitar after recording it.

    As far as pedals, there are octave pedals which will make your guitar sound like it’s playing an octave lower, but that wouldn’t make it sound like Slipknot (whose guitarists use Drop B and Drop A tuning), that would make it sound like a bass guitar, which is tuned an octave below a guitar.

  • yes there are ways to do this in software or with pedals

    Peavey makes a guitar with onboard DSP that will change the pitch of the output as if you are in alternate tunings like DADGAD without actually having to detune the guitar. Cool idea, but sounds a bit fakey in some uses.

    I’m pretty sure there are pedals that do this too.

    Results are proportionate to the amount of $ you spend. i.e. to process a clean acoustic signal without being able to hear artifacts you will have to spend big bucks. Doing that with distortion guitar requires considerably less horsepower.

    And, as the other posters have pointed out, detuning everything the same amount is much easier to do than detuning each string individually (which requires hexaphonic output)

  • Any pedal that has a detune effect should work for you. Try the Digitech Whammy DT.

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