Have you ever had an experience of the existence of Ghosts?


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  • i have seen and heard ghost my whole life… ive actually been attack by them… but the only one that really scared me was a demon and i woke up with claw marks on my back and what seemed to be rope burn on my neck… i actually looked for ghost my whole life and i try to look at everything from a scientific standpoint but it doesnt always work i have pictures of them i have audio of them screaming at me and my buddies… ive been told all kinds of crap bout Ouija boards too but one saved my life… i was always a daredevil id do anything long walks in woods at night camping out in cemeteries,,, anything but one night a guy warned me through a Ouija board and no doubt saved my life,,,

    Source(s): personal life

  • Yes.

    I’ve woken up suddenly in the middle of the night and seen an apparition floating in the room.

    However, the apparition was a lines of text floating in the air, part of a program I’d been working on for days…

    It’s possible for one part of your brain to be fully awake and conscious while another part is still asleep and dreaming – and the dream images get superimposed on what you see for a minute or two, until you fully wake up.

    If I’d been dreaming about a person, it would have been a very realistic ‘ghost’.

    Apparently it’s a very common thing and most people experience it at some time.

    It does explain why the commonest place / time to see ghosts is a bedroom, when you wake up.

  • It was a few weeks ago and my parents left and I was getting ready to take a shower. I heard the floor squeaking like somebody was walking around(I know the difference between the house making noise and somebody walking around) I looked out and nobody was there. Usually something like that would have me running out of the house but I felt at peace for some odd reason.

  • Yes. I had woken up suddenly in the middle f the night, and when I walked out to my kitchen to get a drink of water, I saw a young man standing in my kitchen. He wore a tattered white shirt and breeches. His hair was red, falling to his cheekbones and his eyes were a pale brown. I froze, feeling rooted in place. It was like I physically could not move, it was more than fear. I wasn’t quite afraid, honestly, more fascinated. He was suddenly in front of me, and touched my cheek. I remember his hand was freezing, and it was like fog, almost there, but not quite. He whispered a word before disappearing. The whisper was very quiet, could hardly hear what he was saying. He said a name, “Engel.” When he dissapeared, I began crying for reasons I still don’t know. I personally think he either thought I was Engel or Engel is a last life of mine.

    Source(s): Personal Experiance

  • Yes, multiple times. That’s why I laugh every time I read replies in Yahoo

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    from people who say they aren’t real. Just because a person hasn’t experienced something firsthand doesn’t mean it’s not real Those of us who have experienced supernatural activity KNOW it’s legit.

  • I have and its was scary for me, but i know there real.

  • sure thousands why?

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