Have you noticed a change in teenager after switching from public to homeschool?

I pulled my son () out of public middle school this year. He was confined to in-school suspension for a span of over school days due to being “a clown”. He thinks he is a comedian, and his peers support this element. He is not what you would call a conformist. Since switching to homeschool I have seen a ton of attitude changes. He is less “sulky”, more chatty with family members, and seems to be much more light hearted. Then my niece and nephew who are also teens who attended my son’s former middle school came over to visit. I noticed that self-centered entitlement attitude that my son used to have, oozing from them like the stench off rotten eggs; Qualities my son no longer exhibits. Although, I didn’t realize it until I saw their attitudes side by side.

I was wondering if anyone else has switched from public to homeschool in the middle school era, and if you saw an improvement or decline in their attitudes as a whole and in general.

PS: This is not a public/homeschool debate, more observations and personal accounts. Thanks

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Best Answer

  • I started homeschooling when I was , (I’m now) and I’ve noticed a huge change in my personality. I feel way more confidant, I actually have better social skills now that I’m not in a classroom hours a day with people who constantly judge me, I’m happier, and I have less anxiety. I’m also less shy, and I even went from being an introvert to an extrovert.
  • well i am and i am home schooled and i see a massive change as your friend have a great role of changing your attitides and putting you down and make you grow up with a rude and irresponsible personality
  • Since I went to cyber, I have become more independent
  • I was when I became home schooled. I went to public school for two weeks and I was already doing drugs, drinking, and failing all my classes. My mom pulled me out right away. I’m years of age now, I don’t have any friends outside of my church youth group and I love it. I’ve become more independent and I haven’t gotten anything below a C in three years! I don’t do drugs, or drink at all. I was even able to get a job making $ an hour being a nanny and it’s only because I can work during the day. I met my boyfriend through church and we’ve been dating now for months. I will admit though when I first became home schooled I hated it because I was so lonely. I even think I became a tad bit depressed, I was able to get out of it by going to church and become VERY involved in church. Make sure to ask your son how he’s feeling about it all… if he tells you he’s a bit lonely try signing him up for a sport or something!

    personal experience

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