Help on Microsoft Powerpoint !?

I went onto a website and print screened a font from the website onto my powerpoint presentation. How do I get rid of the white background surrounding my font?

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  • It sounds like it’s a clean white background, so you should be able to get rid of it in PowerPoint by choosing the white as a transparent color…

    Select the picture. The picture toolbar should show up. If it doesn’t, go to the View pulldown menu –> Toolbars –> Picture. Look near the end where there is a tool that looks kind of like a pen or brush with a triangular point. When you hover over it, it will say Set Transparent Color. Click on the tool, then click on the white in your image and it will turn transparent,

  • If the faculty computers don’t have the compatibility %., that’s going to be incompatible. To be on the risk-free area, all issues you create with Powerpoint (.pptx), keep as Powerpoint . (ppt.) Random beside the point Sidenote: workplace Beta is out.

  • all you have done is captured an image/picture.

    Not a font.

    You can play around with the image with windows paint (in accessory’s) before you add it to your project.

    Try to minimize the border and change the background colour to match.

    want to make your own fonts??

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