hookah pen vs hookah?

What one would you rather smoke? What are the differences between the 2?


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  • ^ that person said it all

    but its weird smoking from a pen, its less authentic to me.

    hookahs are for relaxing and to just chill out, hookah pens are kinda just for the flavor and the fact that theyre portable. Ive never once been to a party where people pass around a hookah pen thatd be kinda weird to me, like people dont normally sit down relax with friends and pass around hookah pens ?

    hookah is more fun to me, get more smoke too.

    i feel like if people use pens it kinda takes away from the idea that hookah can be a relaxing fun thing to do with friends. more like smoking just to smoke.

  • Hookah tastes better of course but I prefer the pen cause you can smoke it anywhere even in airplanes and its %1 portable. You need to burn coal for hookah, it takes a long time and you need like speacial ovens to bake them. There are fake coals too but it doesnt taste that good with them, you need real, hell fire coals. The hookahs are really big and it takes long time to set it up but it is really good for parties. So yeah I only smoke hookah in the restaurants and I smoke my pen at home.

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