How can I get my daughter to take the bottle?

Silly question… we were so worried about getting her to breast feed (and that is going well) but now that she’s 8 weeks and we’re trying to introduce the bottle, she won’t take it at all! Any ideas/suggestions/tips?

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  • The hardest part is sticking to the bottle regime, even when the baby hollers and screams. Because eventually, hunger takes over, and they learn to use the bottle. But its really hard…. (I have a 7 month old…)
  • As corny as it sounds…the obvious tricks work
    A. Mom not only shouldn’t be in sight (or sound) range when you offer the bottle…she should have been away from baby for at least an hour.
    B. Make sure baby is REALLY HUNGRY.
    C. Even doing the above the first 2 or 3 times may not work…but keep trying. I’ve had 3 kids in 6 years…believe me…if they are hungry, and Mom is nowhere to be found, they will lower their standards!

  • hey there! i have an eight month old and i didnt stop breast feeding him until recently, but i have some few tips that worked for me. i am my sons primary care giver, and i thought that it would be best for me to make the transition, and it was because he was used to mama feeding him, so it may be easier for you ir your his primary caregiver. i think that if you try to give her the bottle at night it may be easier as well.
    using breastmilk of course, introduce it gradually at night spending a minimal amount of time on the bottle at a session. ie- 5 on bottle and however long on breast. then with each night or session, increase the time that they spend on the bottle.

    oncec they get used to it at night it may be easier to introduce at nap times, when they are ready for bed. this worked for me but its time consuming, and remember every baby is different, so hopefully you can find something that works for you, good luck!

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