How can I get my husband to stay focused when we have sex?

When we have sex, he bounces up and down on the bed in random directions, and sometimes in the middle of it he even leaves, runs to the kitchen and grabs bag of Doritos or cheese doodles and starts eating them as we continue. Or last night, right before he finished, he stopped just because he wanted to watch breaking bad. He’s not gay or anything, he has severe ADHD though. It’s like trying to have sex with Golem.

Talking with him doesnt seem to work, he just forgets the conversation an hour later.

Any help here??


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  • Tell him to use blue pills, those are really effective. Viagra blue pills are strikingly suited to men who endure from unfeigned erection problems or powerlessness. These blue pills cannot increase your sex drive. Whether you can take Viagra or not is left to be judged by a medical professional. In order to take the Viagra blue pills, you will have to endure a medical audience.

  • I feel so sorry for you. Here’s the point. He either has the worlds lowest sex drive or he is a closet gay that just can’t come out and admit it. His refusal to seek medical help shows he does not want help and is happy where he is at. And doesn’t seem to actually care where you may be at.Unless you can live without sex, after ten years there is no need to hope for a miracle. It’s not coming.The Oracle knows these things.

  • That seems to go beyond ADHD and none of them were like that. I noticed this is posted in “trying to conceive”. R u trying to get preggo? If so this may be his way of saying, “slow down and go with the flow”. If not, then I’d say take him to his doctor, he sounds like there is a real problem here above and beyond his self proclaimed ADHD. (have you seen proof he has it or did he just tell you his doctor diagnosed him with it when he was a kid)?

  • Take stripper dancing lessons and show a little more skin but not too much. first feed the man ensure he has not distractions, but not to much or a full stomach will backfire on you. dim the lights but on some music and practice everything you ever learned in cosmo and let him know how he is hurting your feelings.

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  • Bondage 😉


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