How can I meet the Goddess?

I think about her all the time and I feel her but I would really love to actually meet her on a personal level. How can I do this?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Close your eyes an picture her. In actual reality, I doubt that you would ever meed her. It”s only your belief in her that keeps her around you. Don’t give up the faith, if you feel her, she is around you, just talk to her as if she is there. I do all the time when I need to talk to someone about my problems, and then forget about them.

  • Answerer 2

    Pray pray pray..

  • Answerer 3

    1:pray 2:feel it when you pray 3:you have to believe it 4:you have to be special but any one can do that and I hope I could help

  • Answerer 4

    Which one? There are hundreds.

  • Answerer 5

    Which one?

  • Answerer 6

    You can’t physically meet a work of fiction.


  • Answerer 7

    if we had the ability to meet gods or goddesses than we’d have a lot more believers and a lot less questions

  • Answerer 8

    It is possible to see, or even meet any of the old Gods and Goddesses through meditation and pathworking, but at the end of the day they are not like you or me, they have different agendas, and operate on an entirely different level, and while you may want to meet her, why would she want to meet you, and she may demand things of you that you either cannot, or are unwilling to do or give.
    For them time is nothing, they are immortal, for us time is everything.

    occultist and seeker

  • Answerer 9

    firstly, stand in front of a mirror, realise that you are a retarded imbecile and go back to bed.


  • Answerer 10

    In the reality of our existentialism the Goddess is not a literal entity rather a primordial archetype and should not be viewed within the subjective construct of ones own egoistic imagery. This is a fundamental of enlightened perception without this awareness your just a “religious” pagan that perceives only the external- your goal is to learn to perceive the internal.

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