How do i get my 3.5 year old son to not pee his bed?!?

My son is fully potty trained during the day…but at night time he always pees his bed! He doesn’t have anything to drink past dinner time, and i always make him pee right before he goes to bed…what else can i do?? Isn’t he too old to be wearibng pull-ups??


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  • If you put him in pull ups it will just prolong training his bladder to hold urine for the night. Essentially you want his bladder to grow (takes his body time) but then you want him to hold urine when his bladder gets big enough. You never will know for sure when his bladder is big enough to hold for a long period of time. So putting a pull up on him will just make him think he can pee in it since it is something soft (like a diaper) around him. My son is four and he still wets the bed. They can’t help it since they are really unconscious while asleep and have no idea what they are doing. Anyway what we do is take son to pee before bedtime, take him 2 to 3 hours after that (10:30ish) then again at 4:30 am (that is when my husband wakes up for work). At first we had to get him up every 2 hours on the dot or he would wet the bed. But now he can hold it (most of the time) form 10:30 to 4:30 (6 hours)! This is great but it took about 2 weeks to get there. We actually put my son in diapers at night while day training and that really messed his night training up. That is why I say no diapers or pull ups. So if you’ll hang in there eventually he’ll get it. We took him every two hours until he could go all night without wetting the bed for 5 to 7 days straight. Then we upped the time to 3 hours until no wet bed for another week then to 4 hours and so on. Now we just take him twice a night. He wets the bed with that sometimes so I know he is not ready to go all night yet. But he’ll get there and yours will too.

  • He is not too old for pull-ups at night.

    Night training is not the same as day training. He is asleep.

    Some kids wet the bed every night til age 7. That is absolutely normal. It is a physical issue, not a learning one.

    If he is still in pull-ups at night after age 7 then consult the pediatrician. But until then it is not an issue, and not something you need to teach. It happens when they are day trained, and their bodies are ready to hold it at night.

  • I wouldn’t restrict his fluids if I was you.If he’s thirsty let him have a drink regardless of the time as it will not help his bladder to be dehydrated and it won’t improve bed wetting.If you restrict fluids his bladder will only have more trouble training itself to hold fluid for longer.

    His bladder is small at this age and if he’s a deep sleeper that may be another cause.He will most likely grow out of this.PLENTY of kids are still in pull ups at night at this age you can keep trying him without pull ups at intervals and eventually you’ll find he’s ok but don’t stress about it or you’ll make him anxious.Anxiety=wet bed.

  • When my daughter (who is now 4 1/2) was potty training her pediatrician said pull-ups at nap and bed time and when she wakes up dry for 4 consecutive days it’s ok to go to undies at night. I wouldn’t stress just yet. Maybe give it a few more months for night time.

  • He may have a fear of getting up alone and going to the bathroom at night. You may need to spend some time at night with him and give him assurance that he is safe. Or let him know he can come get you at night when he has to potty and you’ll go with him. Some children also take longer to develop the knowledge of knowing what it feels to go to the bathroom when they are asleep. If this is the case, you may want to see your doctor for assistance. He isn’t too old yet to be wearing pull-ups. Some children may be required to wear them longer due to not being able to control their blatter at night. How is he doing during nap time? If he’s alright there, I’d start with the night time fear. If that’s not the case, see your doctor.

  • No he’s not too old. It takes a while to learn how to hold it all night long. He uses the potty several times a day. At night you are expecting him to hold it for 8 – 10 hours. That’s asking a lot of his little bladder.

  • it could be he is too tired or just unmotivated to get up..maybe before you go to bed take him one last time, and maybe right when you wake up, I don’t think he is too old for pull ups… If he needs them then he does. Kids move all at their own paces, and boys mature a little slower than girls. Let him lead you to when he is ready to be out of pull ups. And also if it isn’t him being unmotivated to get up and go, there are medical conditions that the bladder doesn’t sleep. good luck and hope all works out for ya 😉

  • Many kids take a lot longer to be overnight potty trained, and even after months (or even a year) of success during the daytime. Pull ups are perfectly fine.

  • You really cannot until he has grown out of it. I wouldn’t worry about it in the grand scheme of things in life it really isn’t a big deal. As long as you don’t make a big deal about it he will not make a big deal about it. As far as him wearing pullups he’s still pretty young. Some kids his age still aren’t even toilet trained. My daughter is four and wets the bed, she still wears pullups at night. It’s better than a wet bed and allows us all to sleep better at night.

  • it takes longer for kids to completely potty train during the night, my son’s doctor says up to 5 years it’s normal after that you may need to do some tests

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