How do i get myself away from my abusive partner.?

4 Years together. im 31, hes 44. no kids. live in his flat. he is horrible to me at times, paranoid and flies into rages. he says awful things to me and about me. slag, ***** etc. doubts my every word and move. i cant breathe. he gets wound up by such small things. he has been aggresive. i feel im going mad but cant tear myself away from him. it kills me to think if i leave he will meet someone else- this stops me everytime i pack my bags. it makes me heartbroken and then i cant leave. my gut says i must leave and that theres no hope but my stupid heart says i love him. do u think im bad to just vanish when hes out and never ever see him again? whats up with me? why cant i leave? im so anxious i feel sick. i need yr advice so much. x x


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  • I’ve lived with EVERY kind of abuse! Abusers are people filled with anger & very low self esteem. They take out their anger on the closest one to them & that’s you! He will NEVER change until he gets Professional help with anger management. His anger & abuse will no doubt keep getting worse as time goes by. You won’t be able to go anywhere, have any friends, he WILL “own you” literally. Trust me for your own sake. Honey, he is NOT going to change, that’s all I can tell you. If you can’t take what he’s doing to you now, please get out for your own good. All your love in the world is NOT going to matter to him. You MUST take care of you now as eventually you WILL leave him. Why put it off & just keep suffering & hurting yourself. Free yourself of him NOW & don’t waste anymore precious time with him. It’s all up to you. Don’t accept the unacceptable! I’ve been there a couple times with a couple men, I KNOW…the very best to you, YES YOU CAN!!!..:)

  • This is not the guy for you.

    If you think you love him now – just imagine how in love you will be with someone who treats you like a queen.

    You’ve been together for a long time, its natural for one to have doubts about leaving. He is your comfy slipper. Its sometimes hard to break free because of this comfortable zone, but once it is done, and you can breathe, it gets very simple.

    It would do you good to leave, that way you can open yourself up to allowing a better man to enter your life. One who wont call you names, be aggressive, and always causing you pain. A healthy relationship is the opposite of what you are in. Do you want one of those? You deserve one of those. Stand up for yourself. Realize there is better for you, and dont settle for anything less.

    Your “gut” feeling – thats your intuition. You’re intuition is always right. If its telling you to leave, you should leave. It wont steer you wrong. You’re heart isnt what you listen to, because it does have the power to hold you back. It plays on your emotional heart strings. Your intuition (gut feelings) are the wise ones.

    When you do leave – yes, he will eventually find someone else. But so will you. You will be able to find someone who treats you right. Like a woman should be treated. Quit letting him trash you, its not worth it.

  • What on earth do you love about him?

    Why do you believe you have to vanish from him and not just say…”I’m leaving.”

    It sounds like it’s not just him with a problem, it could be you too.

    Your situation is unhappy for you both by the sounds of it, but you said you can’t leave him in case he finds someone else. Is that the only reason you stay? To stop him meeting another girl?

    I don’t see a healthy relationship happening here, I think you should go and give each other a chance.

  • He’s not the abuser. U are abusing urself by staying with him and allowing him to treat u that way. Ur not loving urself all ur thinking is that u don’t want him but don’t want anyone else to have him. Get it together. Confusion is the devil. Not to many people would put up with his *** and no woman has anything special to gain from being with him except the headache that u have and low self esteem and confusion. So what if he finds someone focus on u and u will find someone as well who’s better for u.

  • Wow! Look in the mirror, and consider this. Do you hate that person in the mirror? That man you are living with does. Is his opinion more important than yours? What could you possible love about him/ You are not in love, what you feel when you start to leave is fear, fear of the unknown. You rather be abused and be with someone, rather than be healthy safe and potentially alone. I have a news flash for you, you are the woman, you have what men want, if you stand up for your self and respect yourself, and demand others do the same. You will be treated well and can have any man you choose. I don’t know why you got together with this man, but that season of your life is over, it’s time to move on. If you “love that man, you would want him to find someone he treats well, because he loves her. and you will find someone to treat you well, after you drop the self hating behavior. Only after you learn to cherish and admire yourself will you be able to command that respect from others.

    Source(s): Personal experience and observations.

  • You’re lucky there’s no kids, so you can easyly phsically make the move.

    The problem is emotional, psychologically his aggression does not impact on you to the extent that you are compelled to leave. the reason for this is because your childhood had similar tension, and ‘feels’ normal, therefore your common sense says this is wrong , another part of you says I can manage this and make this better.

    CAn you manage it and make it better, or are you going to spend the rest of your life putting up with this, they’re your choices.

    P.S. unless you can make this better, dont’ have kids as he’ll abuse them too!

    P.P.S Psychological counselling will help you to understand your motivations in staying in this mess and perhaps you can overcome why you’re limiting yourself into accepting his abuse, counselling will help you to repair or leave this relationship. Is there a pattern of failed relationships???

  • Your not married and no kids so your free to walk

    But you choose to stay because you love him

    So what can i say to make you leave ?

    You wont leave while you feel this way

    But trust me if you did the next girl would suffer as you do ?

    Like his past girlfriends did and chose to leave him

  • You’re scared of being lonely, he’s likely popped into your head that you’re a **** and I’m the best you can get, even if you won’t admit it this may be the reason. You can and WILL find someone better; heck, what is there that’s not better than him? Good luck!

  • move out dont look back. it will be hard for the first time,couple weeks or so but later , u will be happy and feel peaceful

    also,u can go to the local police station ask for order of protection.

    I did it and feel so damn good after that!!!! time to love yourself.

  • Leave him. ALWAYS follow your gut instinct. I pity the next woman who falls into his trap. He’s going to beat her too.

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