How do I get over it?

for the past 2 years my sister has changed. one day i was in school and i got pulled out of class by the school security and they took me to the office. The lady ive known for awhile told me my sister took over 10 pills and they had to go get her and take her to the hospital. every since shes just been not the same. one night we got in an argument and she said i was the reason she tried to commit suicide. now she just fights with everyone she comes at me all the time and i told my mom the next time im gonna explode. she tried climbing out a window a couple weeks ago and said she was gonna kill herself again. she already goes to counselling. I guess i’m just really tired of going around smiling when i hate it. Everyone thinks i’m so happy 24/7 but truly inside i just want to break down. I stay strong for my mom too so she doesn’t have to deal with me but i really just want to leave and live no where near home.


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  • Damn, that sounds pretty rough. You should consider some counseling as well, just so you can have someone to discuss these problems with.

    Unfortunately when we grow up, we don’t always end up okay. Your sister probably just blamed you because you were bothering her about it. She could have just admitted she’s having some issues with depression, but that is not an easy thing to fess up to.

    It might be best to just try and give your sister some space, unless she’s seriously considering harming herself again.

  • First and foremost, your sisters issues are hers they are not yours and you are not the reason why she is so depressed.

    You have every right to be upset and to express yourself. You need to let out your pain or it will blow up in your face in some way that you will probably not be able to handle very well. As one person has already said you should talk to someone. it doesnt have to be a physiologist, it could be a social worker. You could go to planned parenthood, they should have someone you could talk to (yes even though this has nothing to do with planning parenthood). You dont have to do this alone, and you dont have to be your mothers pillar of strength.

    It seems like you are fairly young, so know that this is only one part of a your life. It doesnt have to be your whole life. You may not be able to live anywhere else right now but there will come a time when you will be able to branch out on your own.

    Start taking the steps to make your self the healthiest you can be becuase you deserve it!

  • You don’t give your ages, but it sounds like you are old enough to have a pretty good handle on your own life.

    Do you love your sister? If you do you can find it in your heart to forgive her–she is obviously out of control. It’s good that you are staying strong for your mom. She needs that more than you can ever appreciate.

    You need counseling as much as your sister and mom do. Make sure you are getting the help you need. Even though you are not the one who is disturbed, you are deeply affected by her actions. And, don’t take seriously too much of what she says. Remember, she is mentally disturbed and she can’t help what she is doing or saying. It’s tough, but you are sensible enough to see what’s going on.

    And, don’t put on a happy face when you aren’t happy. It may fool others, but you can’t fool yourself. Keep trying and be as strong as you can, for your mom, but also for your sister.

  • Dealing with a family member who has mental health issues can be tough, and hard on other siblings. The best thing you can do is seek counseling. It’s nothing wrong with it at all cause you have been threw alot. Try talking to your mom, and tell her you understand everything that is going on, and just tell her how you feel. Don’t hold in your problems. I tell my older daughters that all the time, cause it gets them no where, but to depression.

  • She might not want to hear it, but you can tell her how you feel.

    Let her know she’s someone you care about, let her know she’s hurting you. There’s not much more to say than that. Worry about your sister as you might, there’s only so much you can do. Don’t stress about the things you’ve no control over, and do what you can.

    Oh, and there’s nothing wrong with showing people how you feel. If you don’t feel like smiling, *** it. Don’t. Sometimes it’s better to let the ugly truth out than to bottle the monster inside.

  • find a good doctor to refer you to a psychologist?

    Source(s): experience.

  • effgrg

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