How do I start if I want to become a designer?

I’m Lauren and I’m 13. I like singing but I have a passion for fashion designing. My dream is to have my own label in the future. I will do anything to become a designer someday. I don’t want to do anything else, I’m only 13 so I have years before I have to worry about having a job that pays enough. I need to know where I should start, I mean I have a website and could always start by getting lessons but I know how to do it, I just need to know how to start showing it. I need some advice as to how I should start becoming a designer.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    I believe you should also start now.

    1. Get all the inspiration you need. Find the brands, magazines, websites & designers you love and follow them. Focus a lot on young and undiscovered ones.
    2. Start creating your own stuff, learn techniques, draw some stuff.
    3. Learn the software you need to know and the skills you need to have (eg sewing etc)

    !There are also some other ways that can make the process easier for the beginning. There are companies like that you can send your printing designs and they can print or even sew the things you want till you learn the basics yourself.


  • Answerer 2

    :look into attending fidm workshops or fashioninstitute workshops near you they give you some experince . Try taking computer classes learn how to use computer programs so by the time your 16-18 you can apply for an internship fashion associated where you are able to see real fashion designers work and you get to ask questions and soak in as much as you can and thern enter fashion institute school which will make you more qualified for fashion jobs . It will be a start to get closer to your goal hope this helps

  • Answerer 3

    If you really want to be a fashion designer then you need to wait. You can start now and practice a little. Before you be a fashion designer you need to learn to sew , stitch , measure , and have a good taste in clothes.


  • Answerer 4

    You’re young and there is still a lot of time for your mind to change, but if you are really dedicated, I would say you have to take up a course in fashion designing in college. For now, get your inspiration from the top 5 fashion designers at… Good luck!

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