How do I stop porn addiction?

I’m a 13 year old Christian boy and I just found out I have a big problem. Porn addiction! I can’t stop and my old methods got stopped because they involved 2 words: “knife” and “cutting”. Before you star typing “oh my gosh, just go to a mental hospital you cutting freak” I know my way was really stupid.but as you can see I’m a really a desperate kid and I’ll do anything except watching really gross porn (if you suggest that, what is wrong with you I want to stop it not scar myself) and I really need help. I do not want to become a 30 year old shut in so help me stop it at the source.


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  • It’s not a matter of “stopping” the porn addiction. What you need to do is overcome it. God’s grace extends far to the sinful man. So far, that you can realize there are higher things to think about in life that are more important than whether we, as Christians, look at porn. People make such an issue over it. God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts. So let us ascend higher and higher in the Lord. Porn is an Earthly matter, one that should be ignored. What I’m saying is, that Jesus came to free us from guilt. So go ahead and look at porn, but bring Jesus into it and tell him how the pictures make you feel while you’re looking at them. He will be there, and he will understand. Then he himself will teach you how to overcome your addiction. Not stop altogether necessarily, but overcome and no longer experience the guilt that Jesus came to free you from. He will take your addiction and turn it into victory.

    In order to be free from sin you have to be free to sin first. Because God has given everyone over to disobedience that he may have mercy on us all, which he does by not treating us as according to our sins deserve. There are greater things to think about than whether it’s wrong to look at porn. And you will not be shut in, either. Think on the greater things, truth, right, purity, lovely things. And if you look at porn, when you’re done, pick up and move on. And don’t get all caught up in the guilt Jesus came and died for.

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    Source(s): Watch Hot Girls Alone –

  • you are not stupid, you realized how dumb cutting was.

    i may be a hypocrite, trying to tell you how to stop watching porn when i can’t maybe, i hope you have not been at it as long as i have.

    Pray, pray, pray not only that you stop; but when you are tempted. you say you are Christian, i assume not Catholic. i am not judging one church over another. get over your prejudice people, he wants to stop watching porn. get your self a used copy of butler’s book of saints. i am not asking you to pray to these saints! i want you to read their lives; rita of cascia and catherine of siena are two i can think of. send me a private message and i will give you the name of two books and bookseller where you should be able to get them. again i am NOT asking a non Catholic Christian to pray to a saint. i hope to shame you into quiting the porn. you are 15 young enough and so jaded that maybe this will give you the encouragement you need. Pray, force your self to read some of the short stories of these saints. it will take your mind off porn make you think about somethinelsese.

    you are not a dog; but; to stop a dog from doing something, you can make a sudden noise and it will have a similar break is train of thought. he will stop and think, “what was that” and go about doing something else. reading about these holy people saying a prayer will do the same thing to you.

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