how do you solve the problem -x+=x- ?

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  • +=x+x




    dude leave maths if u cant solve this urself

  • Step : eliminate the variable on one side.

    – in this case add X to both sides:

    -x + + x = x – + x

    = x –

    Step : gather the like terms

    – in this case, add to both sides

    + = x – +

    = x

    Step : take out common factors

    – in this case, divide by

    / = x /

    = x

    Step : the solution

    Therefore x =

  • move the -X under the X….moving it will take away the negative sign, SO X + X=X

    THEN move the – under the , SO +=

    THEN divide /=

    SO The answer is X=



    -()+=- AND

    ()-= –

    Your answers match on both sides….. Simple process of elimination

    Source(s): my math skill

  • well,… You want to get X on one size.. so youre gonna either add x to both sides, or substract x from both sides. Lets say you add x. Now you have = x-. youre gonna ADD to both sides, (because you want to get the X alone.)

    SO now you have =x. You have the x now, you want to DIVIDE by . so divided by .. that . so X = .

    Source(s): College dude.

  • -x+ = x-




  • Subtract x from x

    = x-

    Add to both sides x=

    Divide by


  • You will want to move all of the terms with “x” in them to one side of the equation and all the terms without “x” to the other side.

    I will add “x” to each side of the equation to get =x-.

    Now, add “” to each side to get =x.

    Now divide both sides by to get “x” all by itself so that x= is your final answer.

  • -x+=x-




  • you’re suitable — an exclamation factor, amazingly adequate, designates exclamation. and because “exclamation” and “yelling” are not synonymous, those who confuse both are to be ostracized from polite society until eventually they get their heads at the same time, ideally after years of remedy.

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