How do you stop hypomania?

I keep researching this but I can’t find an answer. How do you stop hypomania? I can’t sleep when I’m hypomanic. I try to explain hypomania to uninformed people, but it’s hard. They don’t understand why I can’t just “calm down.” For me, it feels like anxiety but worse, because I stop being able to focus or have concrete thoughts, and I can’t stop myself. What do I do? And how do I go to sleep when I have it? I can lose sleep for weeks.

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  • When you are hypomanic, try not to relax try not to calm down, but rather accept your state and situation. Because when you try to erase the problem you are just adding more anxiety to it.

    So forget about calming down and relaxing, just accept your situation, and say to yourself:

    it’s ok I can’t calm down, I’m totally freaking out and I totally accept that.

    So obviously you can’t concentrate on concrete thoughts, so at night you can’t sleep and can’t do much of thinking nor concentrating. Accept this situation get up, and ask yourself

    :what can I do that does not involve resting nor thinking nor sleeping ?

    Doing some physical exercising can be useful , well you can’t sleep and you can’t read a book or anything that involves concentration or thinking, some of the things left to do are sports and exercising. Respiratory exercises, cardiovascular exercises…, you can use a machine if you have one, if not just find a way to spend your time exercising it’s good for your body and your health and sanity, and after you finish take a warm shower or bath and just be yourself accepting yourself and your situation as you are with complete honesty, even when you’re very hypomanic.

    Just find a way, to spend your time usefully to your advantage, you know yourself and your abilities more than anyone else, I’m sure you’ll figure out something to do and stop the feeling that you’re just wasting time when you can’t sleep or calm down.

    You’ll be fine, have total faith in you, and accept yourself as who you are, be at peace with your issues. And everything will be sort out for you. 🙂

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