How fast to Get Pregnant?

I’m 25 and have been ttc for 6 months. How fast to get pregnant if I’m healthy and normal?


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  • Every body is different I have heard people try and try for years and they don’t get pregnant for a long time. Others get pregnant the first time they have intercourse, so really it just depends.

    Go to and use their ovulation calendar. That will help determine when it is best to have sex to get pregnant.

    Good Luck!


  • Im 23, I had been trying to get pregnant since March and it finally worked this month …and get this, we only did it 3 times! So weird. Im really thinking the lack of getting pregnant right away has to do with stress and thikning about it too much. This past month I had started a new job and was really busy and didnt think about it, only did it 3 times and voila, Im pregnant. Im still sort of in disbelief…but we saw the heartbeat yesterday. Trust me, itll happen. I know it feels like it never will, but it will. Keep trying!

    Source(s): mom, pregnant with #2 and nurse

  • When you can not get pregnant, and matters appear well from the external, it may be highly irritating. The the first thing to remember is how lengthy have you ever been attempting. About eighty% of couples gets pregnant after six months of attempting, and approximately ninety% might be pregnant after year of looking to get pregnant. Anyway it is a exceptional system to get pregnant rapid:

  • My husband and I have been ttc for 2 1/2 years now. My friends ob/gyn told her that it takes many couples on average of 5 years to get pregnant! Good Luck!

  • many have been trying to get pregnant in the same way but have failed due to not following simple tips that will really help them. below are the tiops that will hel you get pregnant fast:

    1. Try to keep having sex fun

    2. After having sex don not rush to the bathroom but stay there for a while to allow sperm movement.

    3. Make love often during your fertile period

    4. Make your vaginal environment as sperm-friendly as possible

    These are just few of many tips that will really help if followed.


  • That can depend on a lot of things. If you have intercourse right before you ovulate it should take less than 1 year.


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