How long do you see yourself to continue watching the WWE? + BQ?

People like to complain a lot about what the WWE does, and a lot of times, people here say “Oh that’s it. I’m never watching it again.” Well, that gave me an idea: How long do you actually see yourself to continue watching the WWE? 1 more year? 1 day? Forever? Say what you think and why.

I personally believe I’m going to continue watching it forever =]

BQ: With all the complaining and bashing of the WWE, why do YOU continue to still watch it? Explain.

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  • I can see myself watching the WWE for the rest of my life. Of course, I’ll have those on and off occasions. I’ve been watching the WWE since 1993, but went in full force around 1995. It’s the first wrestling promotion I’ve got into and has grown onto me since I was a little kid. There have been times that I have skipped wrestling because I was either bored or not interested in the product no longer, but later on I would tune in again and continue watching. Wrestling is something that will stick with me for many years. People can call me a “die hard” WWE fan or a “loyal” WWE fan and I’ll accept that.

    I know the WWE isn’t focused on the wrestling, but more so on the entertainment value. I have no complaints on that because I can understand how their business works and where they’re directed. Most of the time I’ll be entertained by the WWE because it’s more of a variety show where you’ll see various shows in one mixed in with wrestling, which makes for high entertainment value for me. Sure, I can do with more wrestling than promos, but each of that has a purpose and I understand that.

    In all honesty, it’s a childhood dream of mine to become a Professional Wrestler. As of today, I put that on the backseat since I have more important things to take care. But it was the drive to become a Pro Wrestler that makes me continue watching and enjoying the WWE. I don’t only watch it, but I study it and try to garner in some more knowledge as I can, so it can be helpful for when I come on Yahoo!

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    or future references. The WWE to me is like the NBA to a die hard NBA fan, UFC to a die hard UFC fan and etc. I’m going to continue watching the WWE as long as I could go. I’ve always held onto the WWE even when I took breaks from it, so I doubt I would stop watching it.

    BQ: I continue to watch it because I don’t let others opinions intersect with mine. I continue to watch the WWE because it keeps me entertained. I don’t complain much about the WWE because there are reasons for mostly everything that happens, which fans and myself won’t know or understand. The fans who complain and bash the WWE sometimes THINK they can do better than the actual booking team, which I doubt. It’s easier said than done. I continue watching to learn about their company and enjoy their product. If I didn’t continue watching – Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays just wouldn’t be the same (Yes, I skipped Superstars). Besides, my cousin who passed away two months ago was the one to get me into wrestling, so in a way, I continue watching because it’s a way for me to remember him constantly.

  • I will continue to watch if forever the only chance by the way i stop watching it is by the undertakers streak finish that will truly ruin the day. The Undertaker should keep his streak Forever and Ever! Im Still gonna Watch It Because, The wrestlers i love i truly love them. Mostly Matt Hardy And the Undertaker There the best also if they don’t make matt hardy soon i will get really pissed off. They never Give that Guy a chance Thats what ruins WWE Right Now They don’t give him a freakin chance to be champion mostly everybody wants Matt Hardy To be Champion Gesh whats wrong With the company these months.

    Source(s): That Matt Mccool User♥

  • If the WWE gives me something to enjoy, 15 minutes in a two hour show is fine because i fast forward half of the crap anyways, as long as i have something to enjoy or at the very least interest me i’ll still be watching. When the WWE has nothing at all going on that i find remotely interesting is the day i’ll stop watching but i don’t think that day will come because i do find watching careers unfold interesting so as long as there is a young wrestler around that i think “i wonder how he’s going to go” about i’ll just watch to see how far he goes.

    BQ: They still have things going on i want to watch, if they didn’t i wouldn’t watch.

  • As long as the WWE continues to provide me a reason to watch (it HAS to entertain me) I will continue to watch indefinitely. I don’t watch the WWE for the gimmicks, skits, and melodrama, I watch it for the talented in-ring performers (same as I watch ANY promotion).

    I am a wrestling fan (and have been for 42 years) and I will give ANY wrestling promotion a chance. If they fail to provide any entertainment to me I will stop watching. XPW and WSX are two examples of that. Absolutely horrible shows. They had some talented performers but the abysmal production, grade Z shlock storylines, and asinine gimmicks (and gimmick matches) made them unwatchable.

    BQ: I don’t complain much about the WWE (mostly because it’s only one of several promotions I watch, thus my wrestling viewing is not completely WWE; why anybody would watch just the WWE and no others, is beyond me); I watch it for what it is: light entertainment. I criticize and critique where I feel it is warranted, and offer suggestions for improvement, but the honest truth is the WWE is just one of several promotions I watch and my life does not revolve around what Vince McMahon does. The only person in the WWE I BASH is Vince McMahon (he damn sure deserves it!). Because of my work schedule I Tivo all wrestling shows to watch when I get the time. This affords me the luxury of fast-forwarding through segments I find uninteresting and boring. So basically, I watch the segments I find interesting (the wrestling matches and MOST promos), and fast-forward through the “boring” stuff (pretty much everything else).

  • I have no plans to stop watching WWE anytime soon.

    Yes, I know that people get frustrated with the company and with Vince, but I still find it entertaining, and as long as that is the case, I’ll continue to watch it. I’m not going to be naive enough to say that there might never come a day when I’ll stop watching WWE, because I used to watch it in the mid-90’s but stopped when Shawn Michaels retired and the Attitude Era took off, but as of right now, I really like it, warts and all.

    Are there things I’d like to see changed? Of course, but on the whole, I like it. I like the showmanship of it all, I like the anticipation of a big PPV title match, I like the gimmick matches, I like watching the face make his dramatic comeback and I like rooting for my favourites. I enjoy suspending my disbelief like I would with a movie and I like wondering what will happen on the next edition of RAW, ECW or Smackdown.

    BQ: In all honesty, I think that people in most online wrestling forums have a major problem with WWE, and why they continue to watch is beyond me. All the “smarks” do is whine and complain about the product and never seem to actually, you know, enjoy what they’re watching, yet they continue to tune it every week. Explain that one to me and you could be a world class psychiatrist.

    Honestly, these people just NEVER seem to be happy. The wrong guys are always getting pushed. The wrong people are always the champions. Yet, whenever WWE actually DOES push young, new talent, the smarks all complain that the new guys “aren’t ready” for the main event, yet they whine about seeing John Cena, Triple H and Randy Orton all the time. How contradictory is that?

    I have the ability to take WWE for what it is and just enjoy it. Most people here don’t seem to have that capability. There’s nothing wrong with not always liking what you see or with talking about it, but when ALL they do is complain, you have to ask the question: Why watch it at all if it isn’t fun? Becuase in the end, isn’t that what watching WWE is supposed to be?

  • I will continue to watch it until the day I die face it I’m a loyal WWE fan and will never stop watching it I will probably watch it when I’m in heaven.

    BQ: I never…eeeeeeeeeever complain about WWE I only ever complain about TNA. I watch it because as stated above I am a loyal fan of the WWE and will always watch it.

  • True fans will watch till the day they die,that’s my view. I’ve been a fan since I was 10 years old,and I’m 26 and still watching it. I’ll watch it forever,because I am a die hard fan,and love WWE so much.

    BQ-Because I am a TRUE WWE fan,just because the WWE makes some wrong decisions,hey,I mean seriously,if it wasn’t for them we would’ve NEVER had the WWE and that’s my point of view. I love WWE,always have,always will,and I’m damn proud of it too.

  • I’ve honestly watched it and bashed it at the same time awhile back. But I recently stopped watching it. Wrestlemania 25 was the last event I’ve seen for the WWE when Shawn lost to the Undertaker. I truly thought that would be the last worth-watching match the WWE will produce for a long time to come.

    Source(s): I’m amazingly-smart

  • Just as long as WWE doesn’t get softer and softer on the Entertainment. You can see me taking it to the grave with me. Heck, even if it does I would still watch it. That’s a fact.

    BQ: Because its a combination of all shows I like to watch, It has athletic and sport appeal, The drama you would see on a soap opera and the kind of Excitement that catches your attention and gets you pumping. Regard-less of what WWE does to satisfy everyone, People will complain until the day they die. Its just human nature!.

  • I only watch it to have something to watch. There’s nothing else on really. I could go out and do something, but what is there to do on Monday, Tues, and Thurs? Especially when you work in the morning. I’ve gone nights without watching it though. I don’t know when or if I’ll stop watching it. I can’t remember a time I didn’t like wrestling so maybe never.

    BQ: Becuase it’s my life, I’m 22, and I can watch what I want

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