how many minutes are in a year?


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? Favorite Answer

  • 5256

  • 24 hours in a day

    24*60= 1440 minutes in a day

    1440*365 = 5256 minutes in a year

  • In a non-leap year, there are 525,6 minutes in one year. In a leap year, there are 527,040 minutes in one year.

    The average number of days in each year is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds. (Not 365.25 days since leap years do not occur every 1 years, unless the year is also divisible by 4.) Taking this into account, there is an average of 525,948.766 minutes in each year.

  • 60 minutes in an hour

    24 hours in a day

    365 days in a year

    Multiply these 3 numbers and that is your answer. If its a leap year change 365 to 366.


    normal year: 525,6

    leap year: 527,040

  • In a non-leap year, there are 525,6 minutes in one year. In a leap year, there are 527,040 minutes in one year.

    The average number of days in each year is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds. (Not 365.25 days since leap years do not occur every 1 years, unless the year is also divisible by 4.) Taking this into account, there is an average of 525,948.766 minutes in each year.

    Source(s): wikipedia

  • 60 minutes in 1 hour

    24 hours in 1 day

    365 days in 1 year.


    There are 525,6 minutes in one year. =)

    Source(s): My brain

  • 525,6 >>>>> 60 X 24 X 365

  • there are 60 min in 1 hour

    there are 24 hours in one day so 60 X24 = 1440 min. per day

    there are 365 days a year so take 1440 X 365 days = 5256 min. per year

  • Regular year:

    365 days*24 hours*60 minutes

    5256 minutes

    Leap year:

    366 days*24 hours*60 minutes

    527040 minutes

  • 5256 there is 60 minutes in a day so multiply it by 24 since there is 24 hours in a day and then multiply it by the number of days in a year which is 365 and you get 5256 minutes


  • Days*24*60= how many minutes in a year, it depends what you start with though.

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