How much do you know about Inuits?


I was interested in Greenlandic Inuits mainly, but yeah Alaskan inuits interest me too thanks 😀

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  • Alaskan Inuits do not handle alcohol well. In fact, it is illegal in many of the western villages. Alaskan Inuits like to eat seal that they bury in the ground for a period of months then boil it and eat it, doesn’t sound appetizing to me… But they love it. Alaskan Inuits are a people of simple life. Snow machines are the main transportation device as cars don’t exist in many of the villages. They live off the land a lot more than the lower 48 states and take pride in killing a animal to be able to feed their family for the winter. They have harsh dark winters that they must prepare for because once winter comes, it’s nearly impossible to get the provisions needed to survive. They rely on dogs to pull sleds of medication and food form one village to the next and have to have medicine flown in. Many village do not have lose enforcement, just a volunteer who does what he or she can to bet diffuse the situation until troopers arrive. It usually involves alcohol. From what I know they are a people of pride in what they do and how they do it. They take pride in things we take for granted. They live a harder life than anyone that I can think of, less Siberia…. Similar conditions.

    Hope this helps !!!!

    Source(s): Been to Alaska, read a lot about Alaska and love the country up there. Mostly have the knowledge from reading and independent research.

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