How to be more social?

I am a very shy girl. I haven’t made any new close friends since I was in fourth grade, and I’m a Junior in High School.

My friends that I do have seem to be drifting away from me. I spend most of my time with my boyfriend but my Mom doesn’t like that. My friends have no interest in getting to know him. Believe me, I’ve tried.

I just feel like all our conversations have been awkward. I never know what to say.

Does anyone have any tips to make things less awkward, or how to make new friends?

Thanks so much!


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  • Honey, just put yourself out there.

    Be bold. Be confident. Be you.

    Don’t just expect people to come up to you, you have to make the effort. You make the move, be the first. Try going up to someone and just start a conversation. Trust me, I used to be very anti-social, but I learned that people aren’t going to just ignore me if I was trying to be friendly with them. Most people will appreciate the fact that you are coming up to them and will be more than happy to converse with you.

    I don’t know if your school has started summer vacation, but when you guys do.. look for the things to do. Don’t just sit at home not doing anything. If you want to become social try going out more. Like look for a summer camp. Trust me those work out great. Camp is always so much fun and is a great and easy way to make friends. Or you can just a community centre and volunteer, you will meet other teens like you. But seriously, go for the camp idea, trust me it’s great you won’t regret it.

  • Don’t bother with high school friends, you’ll all part ways eventually. There’s a difference between being more social, and curing your shyness. You see, I’m not very social, but I’m not shy either. I just hate humans. To break down all 4 walls, you need to find confidence. That’s your new goal. Confidence. Human communication isn’t that hard these days, to be cool you just have to ‘not care’ about anything… keep your sentences no longer than 2 words, otherwise people will tune out or not understand you… make sure anything you talk about, bares very little importance… and most importantly, never be yourself. The whole point of socializing is to escape who you are, and be somebody else.

    Seriously kid there’s no point in having friends.

  • be yourself and just jump in a conversation during class or somewhere your around strangers you got nothing to lose, so make some new friends, from your situation it looks like its what you need

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