How to care for a giant common house spider?

Hello, a few weeks ago i found a giant house spider crawling across my ceiling. I sleep in a loft room, its really warm and regularly i have creepy crawly visitors.

Anyway i caught the spider in a cup and tried to google the best thing to do with it. I live with family and they wouldn’t hesitate to kill it, so i didnt want to just release it in anohter room. And i read online that house spiders won’t survive in the garden.

So i kept it in my glass for a few days, and accidently left for a business trip completly forgetting about it! I came back and it was still in the glass as spidery as ever a few days later.

when i got back the spider had created a lair in the cup, its quite complex, two layers one it sits in during the day and at night it retreats to the lower lair.

I’ve grown quite fond of it and im guessing by its size its a she (so i’ll refer to her as she from now on :P)

I have named her (feliscia) fell-ish-ee-ahh weird name i know!

Anyway, i know a lot of people might shoot me down for keeping the her but i really do feel she’s safer from my family?

I’ve started catching live flys from my conservatory and sending them into the cup, they spaz out fly straight down into her web and she eats them gracefully.

Today i put a wet tissue in the cup and she sat on it for about 5 minutes before retrating to her lower lair.

I’ve had her now for about 3 weeks, i want to make sure im not slowly killing her and that im doing the best i can?

I’ve got some pictures:
And a really cool video:

All help appreciated ! 🙂

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    I would get one of those plastic critter cages for her,or they have ones with screen made for insects and spiders. Place some substrate in the bottom,like coconut husk fiber,add some mealworms and crickets, a small plant and a piece of wood for the crickets to hide under and put the spider in there. You might put her cup in as well. Soak cotton balls in water and place in a shallow lid for her and the crickets,and feed cricket food to them.That way ,you can have a mini-ecosystem just for her! Cool beans!

    I like spiders!

  • Answerer 2

    Spiders eat fly’s and other insects, fresh, that’s why thay spin webs to catch there food, if you can fined a gap in the floor boards, or in between the dealing and roof it would happily live its life, keeping the insects down for you! If you let it go in a dark room or cupboar! Then it will probably go-about its task, of doing just that!

  • Answerer 3

    The video link didn’t work, however, I found it on YouTube.
    Very entertaining. LOL. It seems happy. Do you not have a garage or shed it could live in? It might fare well and be able to prey on it’s own and maybe even find a mate. Good luck.

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