How to make my legs NOT SMOOTH?

Okay so lately people have been noticing how my legs are super smooth and stuff like that..and I notice it myself too.

I get things like:

-Do you shave your legs?

– What do you put on your legs?

– Your legs are way too smooth for a guy.

– Your legs are so smooth

– Why is it shiny?

-Do you have some oil on it?!

– Your legs are way too girly (they say the surface, not the shape lol)

But yeah it gets annoying now and EMBARRASSING/AWKWARD and I wear shorts a lot cause I do lots of sports at school…


“Oh Really?” That’s what I am really talking about….well I do know that it’s very very smooth and spotless and it’s okay for me. But I just get annoyed by people asking

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  • Better to be hairless than super hairy any day. Besides girls have sexy legs so if they look girly thats kind of a compliment in a way.

  • well to stop them being shiny, rub on a bit of talcum powder, that takes away the moisture. Secondly, as weird as this sounds, try use a soap without moisturiser in the shower. In some cases, soap can dry up skin. Theres not much you can do if you have no hair on your legs though. But if you’re self conscious of your legs, it will bring more attention to them. It like the person who is really self conscious of their big nose, so they keep touching it and trying to hide it which only brings more attention to it.

    But if it really bothers you, even though its really not that bad, just say either, thanks and people will shut up, or say you’re a bike rider and you have to keep your legs free of hair to make you go aerodynamically faster. (bike riders do shave their legs, but so hair doesn’t get caught in the wheels but areodynamically faster sounds better and more macho 🙂

  • LOL. It’s not that big of a deal, it’s just legs.

    I don’t know why people make such big deals out of nothing at all.

  • lol sory but it reminds me of my ex since he had hairs that looks like there not even there but you shouldnt b embrassed i thinks thats acturally hot

    but anways Try taking Biotin, , mcg. capsules, one a day (makes hair grow faster and thick(you can get them at any drugstore or gmc))my ex took sum since he wanted to grow sum hair and it took about a couple of month for his hair to GROW

    Source(s): it grows EVERYWHERE haha

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  • haha idk… I mean, do u swim? or do sports that involve water? Cuz that make ur legs really smooooth… And if it helps, I guess it’s just something about the gene and u probably can’t help it?

    Source(s): i… swim

  • try to make them dry make an excuse like i sim

  • wow

    lmao im jealous. just wear some jeans or something

  • use lotion for oily skin if you have normall skin. this will make your skin look dry and dull.

  • ahhh,idkkk….

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