How would you feel if you were pregnant and your boyfriend has not told his other children about the baby yet?

It is not like we just found out. We been knowing for almost two months so I feel like he is trying to avoid telling them about the pregnancy. How would you feel. Am I just being hormonal? BTW his youngest is 13 if that helps any.


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  • I’d be pissed but that’s just me. The baby is going to be their sibling and they have a right to know. They would probably be excited about it if given the chance.


  • If his youngest was like 4 I wouldn’t be concerned but I think that he shoudl tell his kids soon so they have time to understand what is going on. They are going to have a new sibling and they deserve to know. I would discuss this issue with im asap. His teenagers will probably feel betrayed if they find out when the baby is born, teenagers are pretty smart

  • Have you asked him why? Its really important to be open and talk to your partner before, during and after your pregnancy. Having a baby is one of the toughest challenges you can put a partnership through so keep talking! Pehaps he wants to leave it until later so that the children dont have to wait so long to meet their new brother or sister. Or he could just feel unsure as to how to tell them? Maybe he feels that he doesnt want them to feel that they are being ‘replaced’. Just ask him.

  • When we found out we were pregnant with our fourth baby we did not tell our other children about it until we were about 12 weeks. Just because we wanted to make sure everything was okay first. Maybe he is just waiting for the right time to tell them.

  • Well, he could be afraid they will be upset that daddy is having another child with someone who is not their mommy. Anyway, it won’t take a 13 year old long to figure out and SEE that you are pregnant. Can’t keep it a secret forever. Be patient and just keep reminding yourself they will have to find out sometime.


  • my bf haven’t told his 12 y.o. daughter we are having a baby soon and we decided to wait until it was OBVIOUS. why would I need the stress of getting jealous vibes from her? we haven’t told his family at all because I don’t need the ex sending negative energy to me and my baby. We will tell them around 24-28 when (I guess) will definitely be showing.

    talk to him about it. ask him if he is waiting for the baby to past the 12 weeks or if he is afraid of their reaction.


    Source(s): 22w2d pregnant with my first =)

  • Indian mothers and dads is honestly not waiting to settle for you. it is your mistake to pass into into sexual relationships in the past marraige. Indian human beings do not enable it. we’ve very long messages to permit you recognize yet think of which you will not comprehend and wont agree too. yet in destiny different women might desire to submit to in ideas, that relationships might desire to be saved to a secure distance basically, in the past marraige.

  • However he treats the other kids and their mother is how you will be treated. You will feel much worse later if yo don’t get some answers now.

  • talkkkkk to him about it.

    id be upset wow 13yrs. they have a right

    to know come on!the later it is the worster it qets!!!

  • i would be upset but i wouldn’t let it get to me

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