I am constently being bullied at school! what do i do!?

there are these certain girls at my school who are constently bulling me and wont stop! they are doing it at school, through facebook, and through text! I do not know what to do anymore! I feel hopeless and I cant take it any longer! How can I get away from it and have it stop!

I try to stay strong but I cant anymore! all I do is break down because I cant take it any longer!

No rude comments thanks!


✅ Answers

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  • Do the same to them. Show them attitude and when you behind them, whisper “*****” and make sure they hear it. Stick super glue on their chair, sprinkle it with gitter.

  • I think the first thing you should do is delete your facebook account, being on it will only hurt you more. And as hard as it is, you should try to ignore them because they will eventually get bored with tormenting you. Also you don’t have to be strong all the time; it’s okay to break down, just try to stay strong in front of the bullies. And always remember this: school (whatever grade you’re in) will end and then you’ll never have to see those people again and your real life will start. It really does get better, you just have to believe that. Maybe you could confide in someone who’s close to you too, but strangers caring is nice too I guess…..I hope this helps 🙂

  • I’d like to quote a Bob Dylan song for this, “For the loser now is later to win,” in this case, you (no offence, I’ve been bullied too) are the loser, and you will win later on. This is because you’re going through trial right now. It’s your teenager years when you’re going through trial.

    I remember I was picked on by the jocks and stuck-up kids for being different and having a different group of friends, but I was smarter than them, and I had come out unscathed from all of that trial. I was picked on for years, but when school was finished, those kids were working 9-5 at McDonald’s and Gas Stations because they’d spent all of their years in school when they should have been figuring out who they were and how to deal with idiots in the world, kind of like the idiots that are picking on you. The best you can do is ignore them, because they too will be scmucks when they grow up while you’re off at some of the best colleges in the country because you know how to act in tough situations.

    I wish you good luck.

    Source(s): Experience

  • remember you are SOOOO much stronger than those girls. no matter what, don’t break down or give them the satisfaction of your tears. you are soo beautiful no matter what they say! and i would tell my parents if you want to get them in trouble but honestly that could make it worse. as long as those girls are too pussy to actually say anything to your face or actually physically harm you, making it through each day may be a struggle but it will be so worth it when they finally realize how lame they are. i don’t know when they will stop, but i say you start a blog or some anti-bullying thing where you can vent but you don’t have to deal with them. delete their numbers, laugh, love, and live. i promise you, it gets better:) good luck and stay strong!

  • You should be talking with your parents about this, block them from FB and your phone, that is not a problem.

    Your parents should be going to the school and have the principle or vice Principal take care of it.

    My grand daughter was having the same problem and her mom went to the school and after all was said and done, 2 girls were suspended from school.

    So there is hope to get all this stopped.

    good luck hun

  • Talk to your school counsellor and principal. Most schools take bullying very serious. Also talk to the police. Since they are bullying outside of school to on FB they have starting prosecuting more teens for harrasment and internet bullying. Talk to your parents and see if they will check with local law enforcement.

  • I’m not a girl by when I was a kid it got so bad that I ended up knocking the kid out and getting arrested but don’t do that **** just report it to ur guidance councilor. Inbox me if you need to

    [email protected]

  • Delete yourself off facebook!, Change your number and dont give it out, and change schools!

  • TELL SOMEONE ! There are good people who would be willing to help you.

    For instance, your parents might find it important..

  • walk up to her and punch her in the face as hard as u can and it will stop

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