I am hikikomori. I am also gay. Stats?

I have been hikikomori for many years. I am also gay. Personally I don’t have much of a functioning lovelife due to my isolation. I would like to know of other gay or lesbisn hikis who are in this dilemma, and to what the percentage in Japan and internationaly is of members of the LGBT community that are known to be hikikomoris.

Any who think that I chose this out as some exotic lifestyle are dead wrong. I HATE it! I despise being hikikomori. It is a very demeaning and lonely experience. But due to societal and cultural pressures especially here in Japan, one’s own private room is the only hope for peace, independence and personal freedom.

I should say here for those who do not know of the worldwide growing problem of hikikomori, it is us, mainly adolescents and young people who have become fed up and disillusioned with mainstream society. The corporate crass commercialism and consumerism. The education system here in Japan once served it’s purpose. Indeed it had done wonders at the end of the war. But that was 1945. Today is 2013, a much different socirety, world and mentality. Unfortunately the education system here in Japan has not caught up with the times. It need a serious reboot and update that is long overdue. This rote memorisation and cyborg mentality is no longer useful. What we really need is an interactive, tolerant and fexible education system that encourages critical thinking and imagination.

We are not robots but thinking intelligent human beings. We need love and compassion, and our country which is predominant Buddhist and Shintoist should know this! The education and crass commercialism is out of step for true human growth. Granted we have the best railway system on Earth (JR) and I take great pride in this. But we need a change in our basic culture and a recognition that people are individual and not rote.

This is why so many of us are dropping out and totally shutting ourselves off from society. It needs a very serious overhaul!

Being a member of the LGBT community as Japan has indeed had homosexuality legal (save for a seven year period under the Edo Period) otherwise we have enjoyed about 4’0 years of legalised alternative sexuality. However, from a cultural perspective this has been considered taboo. Too much emphasis has been placed upon marriage and raising a family. Again, this had validity once, but this is the modern contemporary world. Gays, lesbians. transgendered folk and indeed bisexuals have been emancipated the world over. It is high time that our culture here at home makes the sun rise over this new reality.

Thus I really would like to know the approximate percentage of the LGBT community here in Japan that has become hikikomori as well. I know that certainly I cannot be the only one!

Thank you for your gracious time.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • You are definitely not alone! That much can be said as fact. How many hikikomori there are is not well known, but is estimated to be 1,55 million people in Japan — and there are others in the world. Know this: approximately one in ten people is gay, lesbian or bisexual. To put a number to your question:

    More than 150.0 people.

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