i am still in love with my ex and he keeps telling me im the one but he goes with other girls.. confused!!!!?

ok so i was with my ex for a year and a half and i was going to make him my 1st but thank god i didn’t because i was being stupid and let him cheat on me 5 times… then i left him finally and i am still heart broken but getting better as time goes but right when i get better he comes back again but right when i think we are going to get back he goes out with another girl and i love him.. but then there is this guy who told me that my ex bf was cheating on me and he likes me and he has everything except he is not cute(hot body though) i don know what to do i love my ex but i think i like this guy cuz he has the best personality makes me laugh and is sweet…..pls help me!!!!!


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  • Does this sound natural/normal to you at all??

    What would you tell your mom or your little sister if a man was treating them this way? Could you honestly look them in the eyes and say “he’s the one” or “he really loves you”. NO you wouldn’t because people who truly care about you don’t treat you this way.

    He cheated on you 5 times, umm- why is that okay? Girls with no self-esteem or self-respect get with men like this, you can do much better – but you have to WANT TO first!

    Do not and I repeat do not get back with him, he’s nothing but trouble. If you were really “the one” like he said then he would’ve never cheated on you and he sure wouldnt be with someone else, come on. That doesn’t even make any sense!

    I’m not sure if you are aware of this but there is an epidemic going on right now and you need to be very careful…..1 in 4 sexually active people under the age of 30 have HPV or Herpes- its not lie, look it up.

  • Leave your ex alone. Stay away from him no matter what. I personally think you should stay away from the other guy too….honestly he shouldn’t be “telling” on people for his advantages…sounds like he talks to much and doesn’t deliver. Why don’t you just chill out for a while and don’t worry about being with anyone. You have more than enough time in your years ahead to be worried with this. Respect yourself and be consistent with yourself and be strong. And it might not seem like it right now but the more you stay away the more you will get over your ex which is what you need to do.

  • ok first off screw your ex boyfriend, if any guy does that then they’re not right for you, if the other guy makes you feel good why judge him about his looks no one is going to be perfect, in the ways of who looks good and who’s butt ugly lol go with your heart screw what your head tells you and screw your x boyfriend, he make you feel wanted loved and w/e else don’t judge him for looks. GL

  • He is playing the field and it sounds like you should be also. Don’t fall into the “falling in theory”. When you are young, it is so easy to “think” that it is love when it really isn’t. Also, people should NOT throw the word love out there so easily.

  • You stop all contact with him (as hard as that’s going to be) so that you can move on. And then focus on your education, hanging with your friends, and becoming a productive, independent, intelligent adult. Then you’ll be more than ready to handle a relationship.

  • Guy A is using you. stay away from him, he is a loser.

    Guy B… play that card very carefully. He cares enough to tell you, but he may have ulterior motives.

  • hesplaying you for something if he was genuine you really would be the only one physically and mentally no games about it or questions, let him go, do yourself a favor and love you

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