i can't stop watching porn, why?

ok, it started when i got a computer and i found out it was free, then i learned all about how to not get viruses. now i just download all day long, and it takes all of my free time, and my girl doesn’t like it, but i hide alot of it too. is this ok? we still do it, but i imagine the girls and not her, but she don’t know that.


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  • thats mean! how can u imagine the other girls and not her! what if she’s imagining her ex or another guy and not u how would u feel

  • Men naturally want to root as many women as they can even if they’re in a relationship because it’s in our biological nature. Men that think otherwise have just been shamed by our modern society, feminist movement and women in general for wanting to sleep around and not liking just one girl. If a man doesn’t want to be with his partner or she isn’t fullfilling his wants he will just dump her, men don’t use women for their money or social status like they do to us. Women want one sex partner because they can get pregnant by one sexual encounter and back in the cavemen era without government help to survive women needed a man to go out and do the hunting and fight off wild animals to ensure her and the babies survival. They would also naturally try and choose the man with the most superior qualities and genes. The men wouldn’t stay around if they knew the woman had been sleeping around and the baby was not his. This is why women require chemistry or an emotional attachment to a man before she will have sex with him where as with men sex is purely a physical activity just like sport. A woman cheating on a man is like a personal attack against him like saying he is inferior to the man she cheated with and she doesn’t care if she gets pregnant to another man or that u will end up raising his bastard. Just tell this to ur ****** gf and get it through her head that men and women do not think the same at all about sex and she shouldn’t be offended at all because these other women r purely physical to u and u don’t see them as long term relationship material like her because she must have good morals and values. If anyone doesn’t believe me about this info look it up on the internet urself and don’t read something written by some biased feminist that has no science to back up her bs.

  • Sounds like me and you are in the same boat. Except since we’re different sexes, I can get away with it because he has a very unhealthy fixation on lesbians. LOL

    My suggestion to you, if you really can’t stop is to calm it down a little. Find out what kinda stuff she’s into. Everyone’s into something (Even if they deny it). If she won’t tell you, then find out piece by piece until she gives. Then go download a crap load of it and get her to watch it with you.

    Corrupting decency one person at a time. =D

    But just watching it behind her back is going to cause problems. I wouldn’t like it if my man did that. That’s why we watch it together. lol

  • Mr Cool, that doesn’t sound so cool. we all have our issues but if this is taking all of your time and could mess up a relationship with a sweet girl then you need to go cold Turkey. Good luck! why do men want what they cant have? I mean they could if the price was right….

  • thats sucks, you might have an addiction. Some thing is wrong, you strayed from reality in to fantasy, almost like if you want to escape. You might have to deal with this and go in the process of stopping it about the same way people deal with smoking and alcoholism. Go to Google and search for things to help you stop

  • I just think you should appreciate your girlfriend a bit more. She probably is gorgous and you are thinking about these fake blondes that don’t even look like that in real life! she deserves better and you DO have self control if she doesn’t like it you shouldn’t do it

  • Mr Cool becuase youre a deuche.

    i hope your gf finds out that shes dating a compulsive masterbater.

    Youre going to offend her most likely

  • Mr. Cool…that’s not cool. You are making her feel unappreciated and unsatisfactory.

    EDIT: DumDum: When girls check out guys, it’s usually in public and generally he’s not naked riding some chick. It doesn’t even compare.

  • i personally think by doing that your becoming a little unfaithful to her and such a sex addict

    you guys only care about sex all the time

    yea it might be pleasureable but when you sa=tart seeing them instead of your girlfriend

    thats too far already

    i think you should get this straight

  • thats sad esp coz if u have a gal.nway we all fall short sometym.try 2 distract urself by doing sth else u interested in like sports

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