I don't surf because…?

I’m scared I might get eated by a shark.


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  • Yeah they call it a shark attack….rofl….!!

    Like a shark comes up to your house and attacks you….

    YOU’RE in HIS home! What you doin’ there in the 1st place??

    Anyway…(great comic effect) a lot of beaches have shark nets, and if you surf beach breaks you’ll be absolutely fine.

    Besides, of the millions of surfers who go out EVERYDAY…..how many get bitten?

    Thought so……

  • 925 – don’t listen to the guy that said that said that’ll only happen if you don’t know what you’re doing. If that was the case, then 50 – 75% of the people out in the water at my break on any given weekend or summer day would be shark bait on a regular basis. Obviously, sharks aren’t aware of your level of comprehension. In fact, they don’t even know if you taste good or not until they take a little nibble first.

    Also, never accept an insult from somebody that makes fun of your poor spelling, and then misspells the 5 letter word that this whole question is about (“shak”?)…

    If the fear is so bad that when you face it, you become ill, then maybe you should stay on the beach and/or the parking lot. However, if you think you can get over the fact that there are ALWAYS sharks out there in the water, and that they almost NEVER attack anyone, then you’ll soon realize that your fears are baseless and you can go out and have some fun in the water. Personally, I try and paddle out next to fat pink tourists, as I imagine that they are far more tasty than me.


  • The odds of being attacked by a shark in the United States are roughly 1 in 8 million.

    I don’t think that’s a good reason to not surf. I think shark attacks in the US have been totally hyped up by the media, you don’t hear about all those people who safely enter the ocean every day.

    Check out this MSN quiz, it’s really interesting & puts things into perspective:


  • You are more likely to get struked by lighting than get eaten by a shark. Don’t worrie you will be fine Trust me. My Grandpa told me that. He also taught me how to surf. Just get someone to teach you.

    Good Luck

  • No one in the whole world was ever “eated” by a shark. People have been eaten a couple times, but studies show there is a higher chance of you being struck by lightning, or dying or being hit in the head with a falling coconut from a tree. I know the lightning thing is true, and my sister said the coconut one is true, but IDK

  • dude you gotta take some risks. when im surfing, i dont even think about sharks when i catch that best wave of the day

  • Sissy. “eated by a shark” I’ve grabbed sharks in the water with my bare hands.

  • unless you live in south africa, you have nothing to worry about. you know you have more chance being killed by a taxidermist than a great white? it’s crazy, but true. i live in san diego. there’s a couple of factors that have kept me from surfing lately, but sharks aren’t one on them.

  • Some poeple do, but most people don’t.

    Life is scary that way, but you don’t want to miss out on something as fun as surfing because of that do you?

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Don’t be. Not everyone gets “eated” by a shak. Trust me.

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