I get so envious of people who have talents I want, have or need to improve, what do I do?

I’m a 15 year old girl. For example I was reading a magazine about girls my age who have talents I have, want or need to improve on and I thought to myself: I hate them. I feel like I have to be the best at not every talent but specific talents. I usually get envious only at people my own age. I might have an inferiority and superiority complex. I was never medically diagnosed. I also feel like I should be the only one or one only ones doing specific talents or example I was in my culinary class this year thinking I felt besides a couple of other students and myself (no favoritism, I have no friends in that class) we were the only students who truly belong their. I’m not stuck up because I don’t go up to people saying I’m better than you. What should I do?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Wow, your mother did a good job of teaching you to beat yourself up. Maybe you should practice giving yourself a break. It is hard to answer from the examples you gave. Some people with talents got them by practicing hours and hours every day. It is hard to say if you are insecure, maybe since your mom is so abusive, that would make sense. Your mom puts pressure on you to be perfect so you transfer that to other people. I am stuck on the culinary thing because I used to train cooks in the military and you are right, some people don’t belong in a kitchen, so I will concede that one to you. You mention a lot about not having friends, I am wondering about that. I can’t tell if you don’t want friends, or you are having troubles trusting others or you are just so overburdened with your mom that you couldn’t find time for them. I had so much burden in my teen years because I had an abusive home. It wasn’t that I resented my classmates, I couldn’t relate to them because I had so much burden and I never learned how to be a kid. I don’t know if that applies to you or not, I am just trying to help you sort things out. I agree, I don’t think you think you are better than others, but I think you transfer anger to them because you have so much burden and you can’t do the fun things they can do. I am not trying to offend you, I am honestly trying to help you sort things out, and I am stuck on some issues. You have really good insight. (Just because a doctor puts a label on you doesn’t mean the label is right either, and if they do label you, be careful not to get consumed by a label. sometimes people get a label and then they try to look for proof the label is true and the label isn’t really true for them, so watch out for that.)

  • Answerer 2

    Totally beyond normal.

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