i had a bad dream last night?

i had a bad dream that i kidnaps by one man .he’s tall and he has broad shoulders looks like a 35 years old man .he’s kidnapping and torturing me continuously.what is mean this and will it really going to happen in my future?


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  • Dreams can mean sooo many things. in my experience this dream means you are scared and something bad is going to happen. it may not come in the form of kidnaps or anything remotely bad. but this dreams sounds to me like you are going to have something bad happen to you. maybe you forgot to do something important and now you will get annoyed because you didn’t do it. this kind of dream, although it is scary, may be not as bad as you think. but I can tell you now be careful because I believe dreams are like being told the future, not exactly what will happen but they point you in the direction of the hidden meaning they hide. if it was a dark dream for example it would be a bad thing, if it was light and bright in your dream, its a good thing.

    I hope I helped.

    Source(s): me and my dreams journal

  • Look, there may be many different explanations but usually our brain causes us to dream so that we eventually change our sleeping position which was causing trouble. So for example, u might be sleeping with ur arm under u, and ur whole body weight is falling on it and ur brain realizes that blood is not passing really well to ur arm so it causes u to dream that u’re falling or being hit or pushed so that u’d change ur sleeping position and not continue sleeping with ur hand under u. So mostly it’s to protect u.

    Another opinion, which i dont really know much of, is that it means or equals something in reality but it’s probability is not really big. But if you keep having that dream over and over and over u better go to a doctor. It might be related to something that happened to u in da past or whatsoever.

    Anyway, dont worry, dreams are usually ways to help us not hurt ourselves while sleeping.

    Good luck (:

    Source(s): I read about psychology

  • No. I dreamt of a roller coaster with a lava pool and wrestling a crocodile

    But it didnt happen in rl life

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