i hate surprises, just found out something about for my bday yesterday, got mad at them how to say sorry?

for my birthday it was a special occasion, the surprise was to get my friends together and go out along with some family members… some of my friends are away for the holidays so only 2 where going to go, so was cancelled and now something else had be planned.. i found a few days after my birthday was it wrong to get mad at my family for doing it? i feel like a fool that only 2 friends wanted to go in the end, and wish they had never asked them and let me organise something when all my friends would be able to go after the rush/holidays plans/money issues from the new year/xmas?

now ive got mad at them, we are all surposed to be going out 2nite for a meal, how do i get bk to normal with them, say sorry or just act as nothing happened?!


✅ Answers

  • Hi lilly 🙂

    I’ll try give my view as best as I can but since you actually know the people in this, then it would be best for you to make your final decision as you will know or shud at least know how they will act.

    I also hate suprises. And yeahh.. sadly you were wrong for getting mad. You should know that they were only trying to make you happy and that they care. Why else would they go through the trouble to plan a suprise party?

    Also, once your friends return maybe you could all go out together as a late birthday kind of thing.

    With the last question, I know some people will say to make a big sorry thing about it like something really deep. But, first think about it. Are you really in a that bad enough situation to do that which might make it more awkward?

    I think that at the dinner, you should be kind of half in between. Say sorry like ‘I’m sorry I overreacted/got mad and thank you for the trouble you went through.’ but don’t make it too emotional, and then try be helpful, polite and smiley to show that you truly are sorry without saying it.

    ‘Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.’ Remember this and see if you can see an opportunity to do a little something. 🙂

    Hope you make up and have a gd new year 🙂 And i hoped this helped. Thankyou also as this was an interesting question to answer.

  • I honestly don’t understand the question except to say it sounds like you should just appreciate the fact that your family was trying to do something nice for you. So, apologize, and enjoy the celebration even if it only involves a few people. It’s just a birthday – these come and go on an annual basis if you’re lucky,

  • Say sorry just say you showed anger at them rather than the situation and you didn’t really mean it and then thank them for trying and thank them for arranging the meal instead.That way the meal won’t feel begrudged by anyone.Happy birthday by the way 🙂

  • Say sorry and tell them that you acted like a prick. They were trying to do it for you. You shouldn’t be angry or get mad with someone if they are trying to do something good.

  • Exciting question. A question that plenty of people have asked before. I need to too admit that this question you have asked just is not painlessly put to rest.

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