I have a question about pregnancy?

I was wondering if you could be pregnant if you are not having any symptoms of pms. I used ovulation predictors and I got my first positive at cd 16. So I either ovulated at cd 16 or cd 17. I am now at cd 25 and I am not having any symptoms of pms or pregnancy. Could this mean that I conceived? I always start having pms symptoms soon after I have ovulated like breast tenderness being the first symptom followed by moodiness cramps and bloating I was just wondering if maybbe this could mean that I have gotten pregnant.


✅ Answers

  • I would say its possible but the only way to know for sure is to take a test. I wasn’t trying to get pregnant when got pregnant and June, but my symptoms were nothing like my pms symptoms right before getting a period. I never had sore boobs or sore nipples during my period or even the days coming up to my period and i had the most excruciating pain in my nipples. They were very sore!! Still are now at 19 weeks. I felt like i was going to get my period any day and now that im pregnant i still feel like i am on my period all the time. I cant say much more because every woman is different and only you know your body. I wish you the best of luck and for me, i got 3 negative urine tests when i was infact pregnant, so if you get negatives but still dont get your period, i would definately go get a blood test. Its the way i found out and i was already 8 weeks along! 🙂

    Source(s): 19w with a girl

  • take a test!


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