I just can’t seem to like myself?

here’s the thing. i don’t feel ugly but i just can’t feel pretty. i just hate the way i look

i have a heart/round shaped head that is REALLY big. i have acne and i have tried EVERYTHING but it won’t go away. i don’t like my nose, i think its too big but people have told me that its fine. i feel that i’m really unfit as well.
now here’s the good things about me, my eyes are really pretty and big, i have an okay shaped mouth. i have straight teeth and nice soft brown hair. im also not too tall and not too short. in the middle basically.

i also live with VERY strict parents who don’t let me go to parties or even the mall (not joking). i’m also not allowed to have a boyfriend. oh and i’m 15.

so please, tell me what to do, how can i just feel content with myself? what can i do to fix the bad things about the way i look? thank you!

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Pamper yourself. Have a day where you do anything and everything that will better your appearance. It’s actually really fun! You can choose to go to a spa/salon to get pampered, or instead have your own beauty day at home. You can:

    — Make Facials
    — Mani/Pedi
    — Do your hair
    — Shave/Wax
    — Soften your skin with homemade scrubs
    — Whiten your teeth
    — Practice skin care/makeup techniques

    Anything that makes you feel beautiful.

  • Get a boyfriend without your mum and dad knowing thats what i used to do because my parents were the same. You sound beautiful! Bad acne can be treated by going to your local GP and getting creams/tablets when i had acne i went to the doctors again and again until i got the right cream maybe try some makeup it might make you feel more content and dont worry about going to parties and the mall well i guess the mall is a bit over the top so try talking to them about it but parties your a bit too young for anyway you don’t want to be going to parties that have alcahol and probably people smoking and yaknoow doing stuff good luck and remember your beautiful no matter what anyone thinks everybodys really beautiful its just tv chose a certain group and managed to brain wash people into thinking they were the pretty ones but really everyone is!

  • You are you beautiful just the way you are. Don’t try to cover up the real you. People like you for you. As for your parents, I would ask them nicely (not beg them) if you could go to the mall just even once. Make sure you have your own money, don’t make them pay. They would probably want to go with, so allow that too. I know maybe I wasn’t much help, but plz don’t try to change how you are.

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