I miss him… so much… do you think he ever liked me?

This probably sounds really stupid since I don’t think he was ever really mine, but theres this guy he’s a grade above me in school and I’ve loved him since about 7 months ago. We used to be quite close, he used to draw on my hand, stare at me, once we were sitting in a row for photos and one of my friends (a guy) had a tennis ball and i tried to get it off him then my crush tried to get it and he almost had it and then i laughed and he turned to me (his face maybe 20cms from ine) and licked his fingers and drew tears down his face and smiled, he used to offer me his lunch, he used to put his hat on my head and then blush and chuckle etc. Then this guy came along (my old bestfriend) and he asked me out and confessed that he loved me, at the time (this was a week ago) i was really upset because my dog had just died and my grandmother was going to die soon so I said yes, i didnt love him back. The next day a girl in my crush’s homeroom asked him out and he said yes. They sit together at recess but they havent gone on a date yet. I can still sometimes see him staring at me, like at our dance class at school we were wearing really short shirts and he was staring at me the whole time i wasnt watching him or when i had my head turned away from him.

Then his girlfriend smileslaughs at him and he smileslaughs back.

He recently added me on msn and facebook and his mom and sis added me on facebook. His mom always says hi to me and calls me darlinghoneysweetiegorgeousbeautiful (she doesnt do this to ANYONE else other than her daughter)

So my question is, do you think I should just get over him and try to forget him? If so, how?

Do you think he’s trying to make me jealous?

Honest answers please

Thanks 🙂

1 Answer

  • None of that sounds like making you jealous. Sounds like you picked someone else over him and he’s sort of okay with that.

    I’d wait out the two things you both have going on, and if you’re both single again at the same time maybe something can happen.

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