I need to start saving my money. Any advice?

I’m 16, just graduated high school, and I am starting college. I have a job at the moment, but I am getting very few hours. I am looking for a new one, actively.

I am trying to save up for an apartment, as well as a car, and I feel like I need to be as frugal as possible, but it’s hard for me.

For example, I prefer eating out, but it’s starting to cost me a lot. It’s hard to resist the temptation, though, because I work near a lot of restaurants.

It’s also difficult for me to not pay for my friends when we go out somewhere, but, my god, they are expensive. I just feel bad, because they’re trying hard to get jobs, and not having the best of luck.

If anyone has any tips on how to save as much of my money as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


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  • You’re so caught up in being nice that you can’t be firm to your friends. You are not an ATM machine. So instead, figure out things you can do that are cheap or free. Go for a hike and each person can bring something to share for lunch. Go to the mall and hang out. Rent a movie and watch it at home. Rent video games. Go to the library. Go to the museum. Just figure out things to do with them that don’t cost money. If they ask, tell them you’re saving up for your own place.

    Knock off eating out. If it’s just $5 a day, every day, that’s more than $18 a year! And I’ll bet you spend more than $5 a meal. Learn to cook and to pack a brown bag lunch.

    Keep a budget. Keep a small notepad with you and write down everything you buy for a week. Then add it up. You’ll figure pretty quickly that most things you buy aren’t worth it.

    Get a picture of a car you like and put it in your wallet. Remind yourself that every dollar you spend puts that car further out of reach.

  • properly, i think of you will ought to start saving so lots extra funds a week in case you % to have 5 grand by the age of 40! in case you in basic terms save 20 quid each couple of weeks, you may in basic terms finally end up with around 62 quid (not counting interest). in case you in basic terms save 10 quid a week, it may take you hundreds of years to get 5 0! sturdy success.

  • Stop spending.

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