I want a girlfriend but my parents…..?

I want a girlfriend real badly…but i am Muslim and this is not permitted in our religion. My parents dont really talk about girlfriends but they arnt really religious or non religious….they are moderate but they are desi so in our culture it is also wrong. And another thing is the girl i like is white and a christian. I really like her but i dont know how to tell my parents im dating her if i do…will they hurt me real bad? This is driving me crazy please someone help


hey i just wanted to state our prophet married a christian and a jew so……and its permissable for me to marry one also….and just because i have a gf doesnt mean im gonna go have sex with her she is an extremely good person and wud never do that….i wanna date this girl because she seems perfect for me…….and u guys shouldnt b so quick to judge me and my relationships have nothing to do with parents in Islam…i am a man and i make my decisions its just i dont want to upset them even tho this is totally up to me

Update 2:

oh and i love how u put kissing/sex together like they are the samething……kissing is nothing like sex hahahaha

Update 3:

oh ya and thanks for threatning me that i am gonna b the fuel for fire….that really makes me wanna do good stuff….and stop telling me about ramadan and im only 16 so i cant get engaged

Update 4:

emilie i dont hate you…its just i dont like people judging me wen thts God’s decision…and kissing is not foreplay lool cuz then i wud be foreplaying with my parents and siblings which is disgusting…..no im not suitable for marriage yet because i cannot financially support her……..and i dont have a girlfriend i want her to be mine but only for marriage purposes because i think she may be the one……i will not ever be alone with her ill always be in public places and ill make that clear to her………..and are u concluding that just because i have a gf im gonna go to hell with satan? Have u not heard the story of the prostitute and the dog? Dont be so judgmental because u dont kno me


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  • It’s a a matter of priority. Which do you choose first?

    1) non-Muslim girl

    2) your family

    3) Islam

    What do girlfriends lead to? A girlfriend relationship leads to kissing/sex which is against Islam. A girlfriend is temporary and leads to breakup and sadness, but a wife gives you a more permanent happiness.The Prophet said “When a man and a woman (who aren’t merhams) are alone together the 3rd person is satan.”

    Be warned, if you wanna dance with the devil go ahead, your parents lead you to good, remember ‘ underneath your mother’s feet is Jannah’. Calling them Desi doesn’t help, its not Desi, its Islam. You are totally following the path of Satan and seriously step up your game. Your parents might or might not hurt you but at judgement day you will be the fuel of the fire. Especially in Ramadan, its a chance to prove your self worthy, and show patience and be as pious to Allah as you can. You just want people to agree with you, and surely you will hate my answer but I’m helping you. I suggest break up these silly relationship and get it real dude. Ask your mom and dad that you want to get engage and are willingly to handle these responsibilites. Convert her and you will get a lot sunnah. Well.. Stop haram (being the satan) and do halal (listening to the Holy book)

    I told you, people don’t ever think they’re wrong. You are dear brother. I’m criticizing that you have a girlfriend because I read all books and asked scholars and you do know it isn’t permitted to have one. Kissing is a part of foreplay, yeah its alright to kiss your parents, but a girl, tell me brother what is it then? Read my reply carefully, if you read the Quran you’ll get it clear. I did not threaten you whatsoever get your thinking straight brother, I mean if you are scared of the punishment of your parentsbe scared of Allah’s punishment. Stop telling you its Ramadan? Not help you? This is where Satan is locked, Heavens gates are open, and your telling me not to tell you. Wow. Brother I was like you but Islam changed me. I thought what people used to tell me was bull but really its the truth. A true man never has a relationship with a girl that isn’t permitted. He is faithful to God and respectful to his parents; dating a girl behind your parent’s back is disobedient. Brother, if you wanted advice you should learn to take advice, not shove them away. Your only hurting yourself. I really don’t care if you hate me or my answer, I’m just giving you advice I’d give my own brother. If your a man making decisions don’t ask for help, go on and do what you were doing. 16 isn’t young at all, your a man aren’t you? I was engaged at 16 and now I’m 18 and you can be engaged; your in a formal relationship and you can get married later on. I did that, and my faith is with my soulmate. Also, you choose someone who is wealthy in her Imaan and will make you prosper in afterlife. Good luck brother.

    Salam alay kum.

  • i am not muslim but speak to someone in your family that is close to you.

    before that, don’t tell them because if you break up, you’ll hear about it & won’t be defined as a good child/person in their eyes.

    if you guys are serious, introduce her.

    depending on your parents & how they were raised, they’ll either accept it or kill you.

  • dude respect the Ramdan & if you are desperate for gf than ask your parent you want to get marry

  • keep it down lowww. erase all your texts as soon as you send them so they cant track who or what your texting. make nicknames for your friends on your phone, too. thats all the advice i can give for that rest is up to you

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