i want to know if i'm depressed?

ever since about March, i’ve been getting a worse every day.

I’m starting to feel mutual about everything, like nothing i do is interesting. Or things that happen everyday i just stop bothering to care about.

I used to self harm, i stopped because my mom found out and it’s been hard not to start again.

I have stopped feeling happy with my boyfriend. It’s not his fault though, but whenever i’m with him i just want to leave and be alone. I want to stay way from him because i dont want anyone near me or talking to me. I don’t have any friends, because i moved far away from them and gave up on trying to talk to them. I don’t think they care anyway.

I do think about suicide, but not in a sad way. I think about it when i feel happy. like gracefully jumping off a building. I know that’s not normal. I sleep a lot too. i just don’t want to ever get up and do things.I never have the motivation do anything. Sometimes i suddenly start crying over small things, i’ve got bad anxiety and paranoia. i don’t know if that as anything to do with it. I’ve stopped caring about everything and everyone. Whenever someone talks to me i just want to tell them to shut up, but i know that’s not how i would normally be.

I just want to know from someone else if it’s what it really is.


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  • Hey,

    I’m not sure what that’s called or if it’s even useful to put a label on it. Here’s what I mean, let’s say a ‘professional’ diagnoses you with depression, you’re then told by the industry, the people around you and most importantly that you are depressed. Your constantly told this and thing about it frequently, reinforcing the thought that you’re unhappy, and it affirms it creating more depression and feeds the cycle rather than dealing with the core issues – That’s just my point of view anyway.

    I can only speak from my own experiences, but I have found for me that the most important thing in my life, above everything else, is my relationship with my thoughts. Because that impacts on how I look at the world.

    My advice for is to learn how to develop a stronger relationship with your thoughts.

    You create your own reality, your thoughts create your perspective, which flow on to how you feel, how you act and what sort of impact that has on your day to day.

    We see the world in the way that we are, not the way that the world is and if you can change the way that you look at things, the things you look at change. So everything in life is about your perspective and figuring out how to look at things in the best light for you (everyone is unique).

    Be careful how you look at life, because that’s how it will be. And life comes in waves, it’s all about learning how to surf.

    I’m not any kind of professional so I can’t comment on whether seeing a professional is an option – it could be an option for where you’re at. But from my perspective those kind of things are only good at treating things on the surface kind of area (which can be a good way to start), dealing with the different manifestations/symptoms of similar core issues.

    Core issues being some kind of imbalance with your relationship between you and your thoughts…

    Your mind is a tool that you need to learn how to use otherwise it will use you. It’ll paint all kinds of pictures about how bad your life is, the terrible things that have happened, the unfortunate situation etc etc. You need to learn how to use the mind like a tool and master it, otherwise it will use you. This isn’t the sort of thing that they teach us in school…

    You are not your thoughts and you can’t necessarily control your thoughts as much as you can control the ocean. It’s about becoming more aware of your thinking, observing your mind objectively, without attachment and developing a stronger relationship with it to take the best action for you at that given time.

    Think more epic, be more epic. It all starts with thought.

    Life is about 10% what happens to you, things that are outside of your control, then 90% how you CHOOSE to react to it. You can’t control life or other people, the only thing that you can control is your reaction to them.

    Without the thought that there is a problem, there is no problem, it’s all how you look at it. As Captain Jack Sparrow says, “The problem is not the problem, the problem is your reaction to the problem. Do you understand?”

    I’ve put together video series called the ‘Think Epic Principles’ and at http://thinkepic.net/principles/ of simple concepts and ideas to help you develop a stronger relationship with your thoughts. Please go along and check them out there is more coming out every week, they could be what you’re looking for.

    Approach everything with an open mind but no so open that your brain falls out all over the floor. I’m not asking anyone to believe what I say, but take it with a grain of salt and think for yourself. But whatever is said (whether it was me, Ghandi, friends or family, a homeless person etc) if it aligns with you feel free to accept it, if it doesn’t don’t. But do seek to understand different perspectives. Just because you can understand something, does not mean you have to accept it.

    If you find the videos useful or if you have any questions please fire me an email through the site, I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts as I’ve just launched the website to help people develop a stronger relationship with their thoughts – if they want to. Any feedback would be much appreciated, the more honest the better 🙂

    Thanks and good luck!

    Source(s): http://thinkepic.net/

  • Well, I sleep a lot and I feel the same way. But I figured out a method. Try to think that you are a person watching a mystery movie about your life. Be observant. Who or what is the suspect. In my case I was yelling at my family to go away and leave me alone.i figured right off the bat it was my brother who took to many pills a couple months ago and spent days in the hospital.NOT FUN.

    Here is a fact. Depression and anxiety are often linked. They are similar in many ways.

    If my suggestions don’t help here is one that may confuse you.

    Some where deep in your Brain your Brian is remembering some thing in your life in the past that bothers you. Your brain can’t rid of the feelings.

    Let me guess, I think some thing before march bothered you. Maybe moving away from friends left you feeling helpless.

    Your friends still may be wanting to say hi but they don’t know how to reach you.

    Life is like a snow ball.

    Bye friends to helpless to not wanting to see anyone.

    Or maybe, you are afraid of some thing but you don’t know what it is.

    Or, if I didn’t help it sounded like anxiety. Just let little worries away focus on the major problems.

    When I was a little squirt, I just worried about every little thing that existed. Then my doctor figured I had ADHD and I took some medication and I became more focused.

    So over all, just find the thing that bothers you the most and simplify it.

    So I don’t know if I helped. Good luck.

    If you see a doctor or therapist tell them about your problem.

    Source(s): LIFE

  • Yeah, it sounds like you’re depressed. Maybe try speaking to somebody? Like a school nurse or Chaplin? It might help you to become yourself again if you can get all of your problems off f your chest. Good luck 🙂

  • You could be.

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