I want to learn wingchun, MMA, kung fu, judo anything and it's training?

At the place that I live there is no lessons of wingchun, MMA, Kungfu or judo so I was thinking is there a good website that can give me lessons for free. I know how to fight but not that much experienced. I know there is youtube but some of the videos show about fighting is useless. I really want to learn Wingchun, kungfu and MMA and I have no sparring partner to train. So can you please find me a useful sight where it teaches you how to fight properly and techniques in real life where your in a fight and outmatched and win. Thank you


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? Favorite Answer

  • Go work at McDonalds, get paid, and go to MMA gym.

  • If you have vision problems there are several systems to fix it

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    I can provide for you simply a few tips however I recommend to give a look to the technique that i posted above…for illustration you can take more sustenance that holds vitamin A, for example, carrots may help to naturally improve your vision. We can likewise dependably do exercises. There are exercises, for example, rolling your eyeball to form an undetectable square that are constantly recommended by the doctors to improve one’s vision. I don’t think about rapidly as there is no quick approach to reach one’s objective.

    Vegetarians can help to improve one’s vision. I accept it in light of the fact that I am a vegetarian and my eye short-sightedness power remains the same without any increase after around 2 years. The doctor was stunned in light of the fact that teenagers at my years will normally have a most increase since we are continually staring at the TV, playing computers furthermore reading. I don’t know whether it is completely true or not yet it does influence a bit on the result.

    At any rate i propose to check the connection that i posted 🙂 It worked for me

  • As others have written, it is not a good idea to attempt learning martial arts online. However, there are many other martial arts styles beside the ones you have listed, and I’m sure among them are many styles you might be interested in, don’t know about, that are being taught near where you live. In the following article there’s a long list of styles, and perhaps it’d be useful to you in choosing one and finding a school as well:


  • (bare through the warning there are steps suggested below)There are just too much restriction on everything. So you are moneyless, you have no sparring partner, you probably don’t have any equipment, and the low quality of free lessons isn’t doing it for you. Dear lord we have a tough situation here.

    Realize that with the level of restriction you will not be able to learn as well or as easily as other people learning under an instructor. Most likely you’ll train for years and find out you only have a fraction of skills of a person who trained in a proper environment with an instructor for a single year. I know this personally because that’s what I went through. I trained myself before and I am training under proper instruction now. You’ll have to train 5% harder to get 25% of the results. If you are fine with this read on.

    If you can, get a book. If you can hit up amazon to read the reviews or something to get the best book possible that’ll be great. If you can’t buy the book, then hit up your library and see what’s available. It’s far from ideal, but these books will give you a rough idea of the whole style and what needs to be covered.

    As you are reading condition yourself. You shouldn’t even bother training yourself until you really done your research. Until you can finish your research on the style you can work out to get your body more prepared for the style. The best free site to use for this would be crossfit.com. They have daily workouts so try to follow that. (with lesser weights when you first start)

    As you are reading your book(s) look up techniques you read about on youtube. Video is so much better than pictures. Also always be on the lookout for application videos, these are difficult to find but essential.

    Lastly, find an excellent forum for the style you are trying to learn. If you land on a good forum you’ll learn so much from the students and the masters there. They will often talk about more abstract concepts and higher level ideas that the books don’t often address. Also you’ll run into commonly asked questions that you might have gotten later. Oh and don’t yet yourself post anything in the forum for about a year. You’ll sound like a noob and lose all credibility by posting too soon.

    With all the conditioning and research you’ll feel like you have some idea about a year in. (Also try to get as many sources of information as you can to check and double check what you need to do) Try creating a training schedule that focuses on the basics and force yourself to do that with the conditioning for next two years. From there you’ll have your own plans on what to do without me planning it out for you.

    As I stated earlier I took this route, due to finantial reasons. It’s slow and you need to constantly test what you learned to make sure you are doing them correctly. Don’t go with what looks like the picture is doing and try to do with what the most effective and efficient is. Record yourself because what you think you are doing is not often what you are actually doing. And remember this is far from the best way to train and you’ll never master anything this way. But it is better than nothing so try your best. Good luck.

  • Wow online martial arts training? It doesn’t work.

    Respected black belt George Mattson tried teaching karate via the Internet and stopped as it didn’t work. Mattson is the father of American Uechi-ryu and been a martial artist since the late 1950s. If he couldn’t get it to work it isn’t going to work for you.

    Source(s): 12 years active training in Uechi-ryu (training and teaching)

  • Lol yeah

    If you learn martial arts just from the internet and you go try to fight someone, it probably won’t go well. Hands on training is the way to go

  • Learn Wing Chun

  • Most people believe that once they are diagnosed with some vision problem and start wearing eye glasses or contact lenses to correct them, they will have to do so for life in order to see better. Those who want a permanent solution to improve eyesight typically resort to Lasik or other corrective eye surgeries. But you you can also improve your vision without surgery and can see perfectly well without using eyeglasses or contact lenses. You can check here to know how https://tr.im/8b6d1

  • Sorry to tell you this, but you can’t learn martial arts over the internet. There’s no replacement for a real instructor.

    Source(s): 11 years martial arts

  • I want to hook up with Scarlett Johanson.

    Neither of us will get near what we want.

    Trying to learn martial arts online is similar to masturbating, at the end you are only screwing yourself.

    Source(s): my brain 😉

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