If you can have any superpowers?

If you can have any superpowers what will it or they be you can only have 5 powers you can even make your own powers
My powers
1: to control all elements
2: to have the power to destroy anything
3:to control anyone’s mind
4:never die

What is yours and u can make yours and remember you can make your own powers

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? Best Answer

  • I wouldn’t want 5 just a few.
    1 ) The ability to travel at will to any point and time.
    2 ) Able to heal instantly.
    3 ) Chameleon like ability to disguise myself as anyone or anything.
    I would only want these powers for about 1 years then die.
    If you could go anywhere and see anything you would know everything you wanted 1st hand. Money and power would come easy.
    If you healed instantly then you would never grow old, but 1 years would be long enough to enjoy the power and not get bored with it.
    Blending into any circumstance would be more handy than invisibility and more fun. Just think, you could impersonate anyone.
  • When I was younger I always daydreaming about being an X-Man or a Marvel character lol it’d be kinda cool thou. If I can make my own power, I’d may as well be my own God lol (thats cheating). If I can have any superpowers I’d want to have:
    1) Read everyone’s mind (Not necessary to control or changing it)
    2) Travel in time and dimension ( Not necessary control it)
    3) I’d have ability to grant anyone wishes (only good people who are looking for me)
    4) I’d a healer for anything that broken (hearts, radio, cars, people, etc)
    5) Everytime, I use my power to destroy something. I will die but I will be reborn as a baby, grow up do the same thing again lol, which means I never die

  • Five? Geez that’s pretty generous. I only need one.

    X-ray vision. Who needs to save the world, or rule it for that matter, when you can look at naked chicks all day? Come on, don’t tell me you wouldn’t do that. In fact if you could do that, you wouldn’t even bother with the other four powers. You’d be like “Yeah yeah, power to control the elements, I’ll do that in a minute. Only five more minutes of boobies, then I’ll get to work I swear” and you’d say that every five minutes.

  • 1. Teleport like in Jumper.
    2. Shape shift into anything, So I can have the strength and speed of a tiger, and talk to any animal.
    4. Immortality.
    5. Be so super smart and genius I can learn how, to and get, and make, me have other super powers. Threw science and what-not, and learn how to use any part of the brain (like the part of telepathy perhaps).

  • 1. Ability to see and analyze any situation. To know what’s going on around me and solve mysteries
    2. Angel wings (but not white, like a blonde tawny color)
    3. Breathe underwater
    4. Ability to regenerate forms, be reborn into a new body as my old body dies. Kinda like Dr.Who
    5. Ability to change my form at will, physical appearance.

  • the superpower of annoyance oh wait I already have that hahaha just joking my mom would say differently though
    the power of Flight
    the power of super strange
    the power to attract any girl I want
    the power to talk to animals
    and the power to craft amazing weapons

  • Ability to never be forgotten, ability to see someone with a disability and say nothing, have the ability to help people stand up to bullies, the ability to be perfect , and oh yeah turn anything to gold (by choice)

  • I honestly don’t want super powers.

    Some people would keep bugging me to help them.

    Others would want me dead or imprisoned.

    The ability to keep my powers a secret, that might be for me.

  • 1. Astral Projection
    2. A powerful force field
    3. Ability to manipulate weather
    4. The ability to move as fast as a cheetah
    5. The strength of a bear

  • flying
    elements bending
    super speed
    run through solid materials

  • Flying. Though, I would want that to be something everyone could do.

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