If you dont have your period for like 5 years, can you still get pregnant?

My sister has not had a period in like 5 years and she has been trying to have a baby. Is it possible for her to still have one or even get pregnant. Please, anyone who has any experience in this situation or knows anyone who went through this, please can you give me some kind of help????????


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  • Your sister should go see a doctor and have they check why she hasn’t had her period for 5 years..

  • she would need to see a fertility doctor. she needs to have a period to have a baby, but there are things they can do to start up the period again or isolate the egg or whatever, but it is possible. I saw that show about women not knowing they were pregnant, and this woman didnt have a period for YEARS, but she was over weight and it had to do with that. So she was getting married i think, and decided to try and lose weight, and was having regular sex with her man, and next thing 9 months later had a baby! lol Turns out the weight loss triggered a period, but she got pregnant right away and didnt even know because she thought she couldnt have kids and didnt even have a regular period before the fertilization.

    But anyway, she should research it online, talk to a fertility doc, and see what she can do. It is not impossible but she may have quite a rough time ahead of her.

    EDIT: Opaque talked about the show, and the woman had twins! but it was due to weight / weightloss. is your sister overweight?

  • The question is: WHY hasn’t she had a period in so long? There’s always a reason. Does she weigh enough? A healthy weight IS important in conception. Here’s my story in a nutshell:

    I went for about four or five years without a period myself, but I had an eating disorder at the time. I am 5’4″ tall and I weighed 92 pounds. I met my now-husband back then and he insisted I get healthy if I wanted to stay with him- and I did. I wanted to be with him and to have kids with him. I recovered completely (no, it wasn’t easy) and my periods returned. I’m now 11 weeks pregnant with our first baby, and everything is healthy.

    If a woman dosn’t have enough body fat, the body begins shutting down things like menstruation so that it doesn’t have to waste the resources that it DOES get on something that isn’t focused on keeping it alive.

  • In a show, I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant, a woman had no period for 10 years and she never had protected sex cause she didn’t have a period, well some how she eventually ovulated and got pregnant with twins. So she still has a chance, but they are slim.

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  • In order to become pregnant, she would of have to ovulate and if she isn’t having a period, then she isn’t ovulating. She will need to see a Specialist for help.

  • If she hasn’t had a period then the odds are that she isn’t ovulating which means no, she can’t. Has she been to a doctor yet?

  • if she hasn’t had a period, she probably is not ovulating. she needs to see a doctor to see why. she may just need to go on something like clomid to induce ovulation.

  • I have certainly never heard of that before… she should go see a Doctor, there could be something seriously wrong with her…

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