If you were going to haunt a place after you die…where would you haunt ?

I don’t mean to scare people… but just to hang around.(If you could only go to one place.)


OK… Everybody would want to visit their family/loved ones… so where besides that?

Update 2:

I would definitely hang around my family…but I want to visit my hometown. I would go back and forth. I hate where I live and I miss “home”.

Update 3:

I used to worry that I loved my church so much I would haunt it.

Update 4:

NG.. I”m looking forward to that. I’ll be watching for you.If I go first…I’ll be waiting for you…laughing .lol

Update 5:

Rhi… How would I know it was you??? It could be 333 astral traveling.

Update 6:

Raider.. yeah..like the two who just gave you thumbs down. lol

Update 7:

My son has already told me not to go scaring him. (He’s always doing the “BOO” thing to me..I should do it back at him.)

Update 8:

How many of you would haunt the people on here who asked if “Paranormal Activity” the movie was real?? lol


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? Favorite Answer

  • “Haunt” seems to be such a…well…scary word…but I geuss I would have my spirit…well….linger…around in the house that I live in right now. It’s such a great place and I can’t imagine leaving it! I would probably play music when it wasn’t playing (i love doing that) and I would probably hang arouind in the yard (that’s my favorite place) 🙂

  • I would choose a place where I spent a lot of my time, or haunt my family and friends. It would also be cool to find a house that has a whole bunch of trap doors and secret compartments.

  • I’d haunt the Amazing Randi’s house. At his age though chances are he’s going before me. In which case I’ll haunt the offices of Skeptical Inquirer. After of course, I stop by and apologize to you, Witchy, dragon and a few others.


  • I would haunt all the people that ask the 2012 questions in the Astronomy and Space section.

  • I would be very nice and say bless when people sneeze. Trust me I am always thinking of this. I TAPS ever came or something I would answer their questions and stuff. I would also hug people and if I didn’t like them I would drop a bowling ball on their head. I would haunt….a…..um…uh, an antique store.

    PS>I am serious about this as stupid as it sounds.

  • I know were I wouldn’t haunt, the house I raised my kids in, There are some scary ghost all ready Living there.

  • A beautiful victorian mansion with lots of grounds, hiding places and maybe a chapel as well. If I became well-known, I’d try to not only show that ghosts exist, but that we can be very decent and well-behaved.

  • I would haunt all the beautiful woman on here, I would be their spirit guide~

    You are one of them;)

    I’ll be gentle, and compassionate, and comforting.

    Being haunted don’t mean that it has to be scary, Erica prove that to me.


  • I would haunt the white house, if I am not alive to know its secrets at least I will be dead and know them!

  • The home I am living in now because this is where I spent most of my life and it’s my comfort area.

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