If you're a strong believer in Creationism, are you working to save endangered species from extinction?

If not, why not?

It seems to me that if you take, say, the Book of Genesis at face value, we learn in there that God created everything, and after having done so, God said: “It is good.”

Today, however, we live in a capitalist industrial system that, in combination with very rapid population growth, is destroying the habitats of hundreds of thousands of different plant & animal species around the world.

Isn’t this basically an Abomination Before God, to destroy the creatures he has made, out of human recklessness, human arrogance & human greed?

Of course, some people say that the end of the world is predicted in the Bible, and that it’s futile for mere humans to halt what God has decreed.

But isn’t it also written, “Offenses must come, but woe to him by whom offenses come”?

Therefore, regardless of what God has planned for the endangered Siberian tiger or the polar bear or the many tropical fish that live in coral reefs, aren’t you and I committing a terrible sin against Creation whenever we take actions that put these plants & animals at risk?


One thing I should clarify: I didn’t ask this question as an attack on fundamentalist Christianity. At least that’s not my main motive.

I’m agnostic myself, but I’m actually asking if some elements in Christian creationism — which I do not support — aren’t in accord with the animal rights movement & the environmental movement, which I do support.


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  • I am a Christian who is very involved with animals right and I am also a vegetarian. I try my best to take care of this world and the animals in it.

    Do evolutionists work to save endangered species? Or do they just figure if we wait around long enough, a monkey will evolve into a tiger again, so why bother saving it?

  • The lord said that humans are his main creation and he told us to take dominion over all the creatures of the world. If we are blatantly killing animals for no gain whatsoever, it would be a sin. But if you hurt some bears while drilling for oil so that we can survive, it is merely using what God has put before us to use. If the Bible is true, which I believe it is, then the end will come as predicted in the Bible. There is nothing we can do to know when it comes and we can’t do anything to stop it.

    Source(s): Bible

  • as life is precious to Christ, it is important to not harm “our brothers and sisters”

    according to the gospel of 12 apostles, or as it is compiled by glenn kimball and titled the Tibeten New Testament, there are many paragraphs of christs teachings that are not in the bible, and after reading only half the manuscript, one would think Jesus would be MORE of a fellow asociate with PETA and not with HUNTERs rights organizations.

    that said!

    there is no hypocrisy for a christian to not be a peta advocate.

    jesus condemned hunting for sport and basically taught that genesis said that fruits and vegatables are for men to be “meat”. and looking at the words in genesis, it is there. he also condemned animal slaughter houses. and rejected other teaches of men pertaining to eating meat.

    in the end All life on earth will end, when the earth turns to a sea of glass. to me this implies everything will be burned. and the only life that remains will be those that aresurrected.

    to me this implies that even the trees and grass will have an end. if the whole planet is one big urimm and thummim and a giant cyrstal, it will be more glorious than what many people have seen


    Rev. 4: 6

    6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and

    D&C 77: 1

    1 Q. What is the sea of glass spoken of by John, 4th chapter, and 6th verse of the Revelation?

    A. It is the earth, in its sanctified, immortal, and eternal state.

    Source(s): i gathered some excerpts for those that want the quick version
    bear with me, there might be hundreds of typos

  • I’m confident that between Obama, Obama care and the ignorant Democrats…..the US economy will be in a total mess withing the next 5 – 10 years and people will end up rioting on the streets (like they’ve done in Greece and elsewhere)

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  • Andy,

    Are you being serious?

    Why would we work to save animals because we are creationists? What about being a creationist makes you think we are automatically treehuggers or animal rights activists? We are usually neither.

    I don’t see siberian tigers where I live, so it is kinda hard for me to sin against it as you put it…

  • Brilliant, afterall, if evolution is false then when a species goes extinct, it will never be replaced. Then again, with the Rapture being like a month and a half away….

  • Oh, please. Poor little cuddly polar bears and those poor coral reefs. Lets kill all the humans so the animals can have their planet back.

    Lets not forget to eliminate those evil rich capitalists first and those horrible women who insist on reproducing.

  • This is cause and effect.

    The Lord creates these beautiful creatures, we, with free will destroy them.

    A tragedy surely.

  • Orc’s are nearly extinct now and I’m busy trying to polish off the rest of them.

  • Many strict fundamentalist type actually welcome death, so if a species goes extinct, that means more penguins or polar bears for them to go bowhunting for with Jesus or Muhammad or whoever.

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