I’m a writer…need help with this proper grammar?

Okay, so I’m going to give you some examples that I’, confused about. From what I have learned, this is the correct way. Example:

“How are you?” Chad asked, crossing the floor towards me.

Notice the comma between asked and crossing? When I grammar check on the computer, it keeps wanting me to take the comma out, but isn’t it suppose to be there, or am I totally wrong?? There IS a pause! He’s some more examples:

“What are you up to?” I asked, staring lovingly at him.

“It’s okay,” Lee said, looking at the floor.

Don’t I need a comma??? Thanks! Help would be awesome :]


Gosh sorry for all the errors…that’s embarassing lol

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  • All grammar check programs are crap. They can identify genuine mistakes, but flag things which are perfectly correct as errors. That’s why it’s better to know the grammar yourself.

    Your instinct is correct. The comma belongs. It’s good to know why, though, and if you’re a writer, learning grammar and writing mechanics can only serve you better than trusting some crap program, right?

    I second the recommendation to get yourself a good grammar book. I like “The St. Martin’s Handbook,” but there are many other excellent choices.

  • You’re perfectly correct. There should be a comma there. It’s extremely frustrating when people leave out the comma. It doesn’t just serve as a pause; it separates the two parts of the sentence. Otherwise your first example would be:

    “Chad asked crossing the floor towards me” — as in, Chad asked the question to somebody/something called “crossing the floor towards me.” That would make no sense at all.

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    Sometimes programs like Microsoft Word make mistakes like that because they misinterpret the intention of what you’re writing. I’m not sure what it thinks you’re trying to say in this case, but I think it’s wiser to trust your instinct (if you have a good basic knowledge of grammar) because spelling and grammar check on word processing software can be confusing and/or inaccurate.

    Hope I helped 🙂

  • You’re correct. The grammar check just don’t want to have a comma there. You can turn the grammar check off if you are already annoyed.

  • I’m pretty sure that comma is meant to be there, are you using Microsoft Word?

    My gran (yes my gran LOL) said she’s typed in blatant mistakes in there and it hasn’t picked up on it (grammar).

    I am pretty sure the comma is meant to be there, if it isn’t, I might have to re-write both my books lol. I have seen the comma used like that in published books though, so it should be okay.

    http://uk.answers. /question/index;_ylt=Am…

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  • Keep the comma. That’s the proper way! When I was using Microsoft Works it would do that.

  • Yes, of course it’s correct. You are a genius writer after all, lol!

    If anybody needs help on grammar it would be me!

  • Bah! Never have faith in electronic software that tells you where grammar has gone wrong.

    It tends to make more mistakes than it does corrections.

  • you won’t go wrong if you rely on Modern English Usage by Fowler or, if you want a shorter book, The Elements of Style, by Strunk and White.

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