I'm getting a winter white hamster. What hamsters go well with winter white?

Which type of hamster go well with winter white hamster?


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  • As a rule, hamsters don’t go well together. If they are the same gender, they will fight. If they are not the same gender, they will mate and then fight. If you keep them in separate cAges, then it will be fine but no particular breed of hamsters get along with another.

    Source(s): Owned hamsters before

  • If you want more than one, your best bet would be to get winter white hamsters that have been living together since they were born and are of the same gender. If you get hamsters of different species and put them together, they will fight and may seriously injure or kill each other. If you get winter whites of a different gender, they will breed and you’ll end up with more hamsters than you can handle.

    If you do decide to get a pair, there’s the possibility that they would fight too so you’ll have to check on them every day to make sure that they aren’t fighting and there aren’t any injuries. If any fighting occurs, you’ll have to separate them immediately. This means you’ll need to have a spare cage, bottle, wheel, and other accessories in case they have to be separated.

    Source(s): Owner of hamsters, including a pair of winter white females that are kept together.

  • Hamsters can only be housed according to species, winter whites can only live with winter whites. Or you will have dead hamsters, and will be best with brothers or sisters.

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