in strangers in a strange land they talk about a terra year. what in the world is a terra year?

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  • Second paragraph, “eight Terran years” ?

    Yeah, regular Earth years. As the next bit talks about Smith growing up on Mars, which has a different length year, it’s just making the point that a year defined as “time taken for your planet to orbit the sun” depends which planet you are on.

  • a terra year is how long it takes the earth to go around the sun. That is to distinguish it for a Mars year which is a different length. When you are dealing with both Mars years and Earth years you have to say which you mean.

  • Terra means earth,so it means an earth year.

  • That would refer to a year’s time on earth.

    Since other planets have years of differing lengths, an “earth year” of days distinguishes that from the years as measured on other planets.

  • a terra year would be by earth’s (terra) timetable.

    so basically times that the sun rises and sets here, not by their sun (assuming there is one) rising and setting.

  • Earth’s time.

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